OVERRIDE STAFFING REQUESTED High School 9.4 FTE Middle School 4.0 FTE Vinal 1.2 FTE Cole 1.2 FTE District 2.0 FTE Total FTE 17.8 FTE for $1,045,000
ACTUAL OVERRIDE STAFFING High School 8.4 FTE for $451,333 Middle School 4.0 FTE for $273,636 Vinal 1.2 FTE for $60,984 Cole 2.2 FTE for $115,921 District 2.0 FTE for $136, 464 Total FTE 17.8 FTE for $1,048,347
OPERATIONAL BUDGET Textbook Projected Cost vs. Actual Cost Level NeedsProjected CostActual Cost Elementary Mathematics Common Core Aligned Mathematics Program Adoption K-5: Phase I $98,000$101,000 Middle School Mathematics Common Core Aligned Mathematic Textbooks Grade 6-8: Phase I $36,000$37, EnglishCommon Core I: Aligned Literature Anthologies Common Core I: Aligned Grammar Textbooks Common Core I: Aligned Trade Books (Novels) $105,000 High School Mathematics Common Core Aligned Geometry$16,000$18,500 TOTAL$255,000$261,500
PD at $50,000 Revised PD (following known purchases) $38,000 DescriptionActual Cost Summer Apple Trainings$25,000 Technology Teacher Trainings$1,500 Technology Graduate Course$12,000 TOTAL$38,500
Four Year Instructional Materials Plan School YearLevel/DepartmentAdoption Elementary Math Middle Math High Math (Geometry) Secondary English $101,000 $37,000 $18,500 $105,000 TOTAL$261, High School Math High School English Middle Social Studies High School Geography Elementary ELA $90,000 $60,000 $68,000 $12,000* $20,000 TOTAL$250, High School Social Studies I Elementary Social Studies Secondary Science I K-12 Arts $60,000* $100,000* $50,000* $40,000* TOTAL$250, High School Social Studies II Elementary Science II Secondary Science II Foreign Language $30,000* $100,000* $50,000* $70,000* *estimate based on known and projected costs TOTAL$250,000
TECHNOLOGY ARTICLE Instructional Technology Needs: Whiteboards & Workstations DescriptionRequested Quantity Requested CostActual QuantityActual Cost SMARTBoards (installed) 42$202,00049$218,143 Bluetooth Connectivity 42$8,0000$0 Computer Workstation 70$87,50060$83,357 iWork Suite70$2,0000$0 Cases70$2,0000$0 TOTAL$301,500
OVERRIDE TECHNOLOGY Requested $250,000 DescriptionActual Cost Apple Inc. I-Macs, air books$78,219 Apple Lease – 700 I Pads, Apple TV and peripherals$91,981 Whalley – Wireless Internet (Aerohive)$9,940 Advance 200 Switches NMS$51,377 Advance 200 Switches Central Office$5,136 I Works Suite and Office Suite$6,147 JAMF – Casper Suite – MDM Software$10,600 TOTAL$253,400 OVERRIDE TECHNOLOGY
OVERRIDE BUDGET Contractual: $552,000 Staffing:$1,045,000 Text Books/PD: $300,000 Technology: $250,000 Buses: $120,000 HS Athletics: $45,000 Total$2,312,000