Welcome to Back to School Night!!!! Mr. Blanchard’s 7th grade History
World History: Medieval to Early Modern Times Geography and The Ancient World Geography and The Ancient World The Fall of Rome The Fall of Rome The Islamic World The Islamic World West African Societies West African Societies China China Japan Japan The Middle Ages The Middle Ages The Renaissance The Renaissance The Aztec and Inca Empires The Aztec and Inca Empires Enlightenment and Revolution Enlightenment and Revolution
California State 7th Grade Standards This class was designed using the California State 7th grade History Standards This class was designed using the California State 7th grade History Standards The Standards can be found in front of the student text or online at: asp The Standards can be found in front of the student text or online at: asp asp asp
Activities, Assignments, and Assessments Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes Chapter/Unit Tests Chapter/Unit Tests Chapter Test Study Guides Chapter Test Study Guides Projects Projects Notebook checks Notebook checks In-Class Assignments In-Class Assignments Homework Assignments Homework Assignments Current Events Current Events
Grading Policy Roseville City School District has developed a 3 category grading system: Roseville City School District has developed a 3 category grading system: 70% and above- student meets standard70% and above- student meets standard 60-69%- student is progressing toward standard60-69%- student is progressing toward standard 59% and below- student has not met standard59% and below- student has not met standard
Assessments Diagnostic Diagnostic Formative 10% of standard percentage Formative 10% of standard percentage Summative 90% of standard percentage Summative 90% of standard percentage Assessments are aligned to learning targets, which are aligned to California State Standards Assessments are aligned to learning targets, which are aligned to California State Standards
Homework Homework is assigned every Thursday and is due the following Thursday. Homework is assigned every Thursday and is due the following Thursday. Homework includes: Homework includes: Vocabulary- define and write a sentence for each wordVocabulary- define and write a sentence for each word Reading from text book and answer questions or complete an activityReading from text book and answer questions or complete an activity Analyze current events and answer questionsAnalyze current events and answer questions Assignments will be given orally in class, posted on the homework board as well as on my class website, and made available on the homework hotline after 4:00 P.M. Assignments will be given orally in class, posted on the homework board as well as on my class website, and made available on the homework hotline after 4:00 P.M.
Late Assignments All homework, vocabulary, and summative project assignments are given at least one week in advance. All homework, vocabulary, and summative project assignments are given at least one week in advance. For this reason, homework will only receive 50% the day after it was due, and not accepted after that, except in case of absence. For this reason, homework will only receive 50% the day after it was due, and not accepted after that, except in case of absence. You can monitor homework completion through our parent and student gradebook application. You can monitor homework completion through our parent and student gradebook application.
Study Sessions I offer a voluntary study session during lunch the day before the test. I offer a voluntary study session during lunch the day before the test. Students can come to the study session with their study guides and any questions that they may have to help them feel more prepared for the test. Students can come to the study session with their study guides and any questions that they may have to help them feel more prepared for the test. I also offer tutoring on Wednesdays for any students who would like help. I also offer tutoring on Wednesdays for any students who would like help.
Goal Setting Contract Students are asked to fill out a learning contract each trimester in order to encourage goal setting and personal responsibility. Students are asked to fill out a learning contract each trimester in order to encourage goal setting and personal responsibility. Students choose 3 goals to strive to achieve prior to the end of each trimester. Students choose 3 goals to strive to achieve prior to the end of each trimester. They also choose what their reward will be if they reach all 3 goals. They also choose what their reward will be if they reach all 3 goals.
Discipline Policy Steps: Steps: 1. Students will receive a verbal warning 2. Students will be asked to step outside and regain their ability to behave regain their ability to behave 3. Students will receive a school detention 4. Students will receive a teacher detention and or call home or call home 5. Referral is sent to the office, a call will be made home, and student meets with Principal made home, and student meets with Principal Vice Principal Vice Principal Steps are cumulative to a point Steps are cumulative to a point
Contacts Please… make sure I have your ! Please… make sure I have your ! Website: Website: ((Rebuilding the Social Studies portion)) ((Rebuilding the Social Studies portion)) Homework Hotline ext.143 Homework Hotline ext.143 Planners Planners Progress Reports Progress Reports
Questions?????? Thank you for coming to Back to School Night!!!!!!