Back-2-School Night Mr. David Taylor Social Studies 7
Course Overview Grade 7 Geography Civil War This is the first part of a 2 yr course Grade 8 Civil War Today
Necessary Materials Pen Notebook /Folder Positive Attitude USB Flash Drive (optional)
Grading Policy Averages- Tests 40% Projects 30% Quizzes 20% Homework 10%
Homework Given 20 times per marking period- Due Next day! Count as 10% of Average Graded as √+ or √ or √- or 0 √+ (100) Neat, On time, Complete sentences √ (70) Done, incomplete, late 0 (0) Not done, done wrong √+ count as bonus points: 5 = free homework 10 = 5 points on a test
Bonus Points! Rewrite Essays until Perfect! Homework √+ Website extra credits for each chapter “Taylor Bucks”
Website Assignments updated weekly Upcoming tests, quizzes, projects Extra Credit Contact Info Lots more! Middle School Teachers Social Studies
Contact Me: Phone: ex 1373 If you wish to be put on parent contact list with “contact list” in subject line.