Social Studies Ms. Costello soon to be Mrs. Dietz
Background First and foremost, it is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to teach at Our Lady of Lourdes. I am a graduate of Catholic schools..B.A. in History and Adolescent Education from St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue, NY. NYS Certified Social Studies Teacher I have worked with 7 th and 10 th grade social studies in the past. I worked as an early childhood teacher at a Christian non-profit organization in Eastern Kentucky.
Homeroom Procedures Punch cards for lunch can be picked up from the office. $40/10 and $80/20 lunch Devices may not be used in homeroom. Uniform Hot lunch starts immediately. The menu can be accessed on the school website. Attendance-an absent child must have a note the day they return to school. With 18+ days absent a student can be retained. Template on school website. Lateness- announcements begin at 8:15. 3 instances of lateness result in a lunch detention Walkers must have a walker note for a particular day. If children are walkers everyday one note will suffice. If two students are going home together both must have a note.
Homeroom Procedures Crates are to hold books and supplies. They must be kept neat. Pendaflex folders are meant for homework and loose papers. They will be labeled. Agenda books are $5 can be purchased at school Please make sure children have a jacket for outside recess Bring sports equipment to play with at recess. Uniform Class Parents sign sheet if you are interested! Must have Virtus training 2 weeks to clear Paperwork- school technology, own technology, handbook, nurse 8 th grade events-High School Night Wednesday, October 8, 2014 in the Parish Center Questions?
Questions If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. My is THANK YOU! HERE’S TO A WONDERFUL YEAR!
What to bring to Social Studies 4 th and 5 th grade: 3-subject spiral notebook with perforated pages, 2-pocket folder 6 th through 8 th grade: 2” looseleaf binder, 2- pocket folder Folder. I anticipate a number of handouts. 3 hole punch (suggested) will help to organize handouts. Can be left at home/in crate Pen or Pencil (Pencil suggested for 4 th Grade) Textbooks will mostly be left in crate Online resources can be found under Social Studies Resources on the class page
Expectations Be Positive! Be respectful of teachers and other students! Follow the Golden Rule! Students should come to class prepared and with assignments completed. Participate in class discussions and interactive and group activities. Don’t engage in side conversations while class is in session. Technology should be used for educational purposes only.
Homework Homework will be checked and sometimes collected and graded. Students must hand in the assignment at the time it is being collected. Homework will be marked as late if it is not presented when I’m collecting it. Homework will be posted on the website by 3:30 pm.
Grading Rubrics 4 th and 5 th Grade7 th and 8 th Grade 4 thorough and consistent 3 understanding of grade level standards 2 partial understanding of grade level standards 1 minimal understanding *Grade 6 is able to earn a 5 outstanding goes beyond grade level standards E Above Grade Level A Outstanding B Strong Understanding C Meets Standard D Below Standard F Severely Below Standard
Questions If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. will be disabled from September 6- 9 th My is THANK YOU! HERE’S TO ANOTHER WONDERFUL YEAR!