The National Academy of Medicine of Colombia
The main building: Offices, Auditorium, Museum of the History of Medicine The Jorge E. Cavelier Medical Library
National Academy of Medicine of Colombia founded in 1873 CULTURAL CENTER OF MEDICINE
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICINE OF COLOMBIA Founded: Founded: January 3, 1873 as the Society of Medicine... objective was the study and advancement of the medical and natural sciences, and the provision of solidarity to the medical profession and unity to the practice of medicine... The physician founders: Manuel Plata Azuero Abraham Aparicio Nicolás Osorio Liborio Zerda Leoncio Barreto Evaristo García First President: First President: Manuel Plata Azuero First Secretary: First Secretary: Abraham Aparicio
Second meeting: February 9, 1873 Attended by the 6 founders, 10 physicians and 1 natural scientist named : Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences Section of Medical Sciences Section of Physical and Natural Sciences President: Manuel Plata Azuero Vicepresident: Andrés María Pardo Secretary: Abraham Aparicio Treasurer/Librarian: Bernardino Medina On July 2, 1873 was founded the Revista Médica Revista Médica as the Society´s official organ NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICINE OF COLOMBIA
Manuel Plata Azuero Abraham Aparicio Nicolás Osorio Liborio Zerda Evaristo García Leoncio Barreto THE PHYSICIAN FOUNDERS
Manuel Plata Azuero Born in Oiba 1828 Died in Villeta 1899 Graduated from: Universidad Central in 1845 Graduate studies in Paris Professor of Therapeutics Rector of the National University in 1877 Member of Congress, in1877 he presented the law that created the National University of Colombia First President in 1873
Abraham Aparicio Born in Buga 1849 Died in Bogotá 1914 Graduated from the National Unversity Editor Revista Médica Councilman and Mayor of the city of Bogotá Member of Congress President:
Nicolás Osorio Ricaurte Born in Bogotá 1838 Died in Anapoima 1905 Graduated from the University of Paris (La Sorbonne) in 1865President: 1876 – Dean of Medicine of the Catholic University: Rector of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University
Liborio Zerda Born in Bogotá 1834 Died in Bogotá 1919 Graduated from the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario 1853 President Rector National University Revista Médica Editor Revista Médica Minister de Public Education
Evaristo García Born in Cali 1845 Died in Cali 1921 Graduated from the National University 1872 On February 1, 1887 he founded the Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences of Cauca, which he presided for several years.
Graduated from Colegio Mayor del Rosario 1860 President: – Leoncio Barreto Born in Chocontá 1837 died in Bogotá 1921
The Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences January 3, April 25, 1891 The National Academy of Medicine Congressional Bill No. 71 (Nov.22, 1890) Formal installation: April 25, 1891 became
Congressional Bill No. 71, 1890 November 22 Recognizing the Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences, established in this city on January 3, 1873, as the National Academy of Medicine President of the Senate: Jorge Holguín President of the House of Representatives: Adriano Tribín President of the Republic of Colombia: Carlos Holguín Minister of Public Education: Jesús Casas Rojas
National Academy of Medicine April 25, 1891 President: José María Buendía Vicepresident: Nicolás Osorio Secretary: Pablo García Medina Treasurer: Gabriel Durán Borda
National Academy of Medicine Congressional Bill No. 02, January 19, 1979 … official consulting and advisory body to the Government for all matters pertaining public health and medical education of the Colombian people. Artícle 1, Bill 02, 1979
Consulting and advisory body to the Government To contribute to the progress of medicine, to stimulate the advancement of the sciences and technologies, and to inforce the ethical and superior professional practice and the intellectual development of medical doctors. To produce studies and concepts, to stimulate scientific exchange, and to serve the advocacy before the organisms that have to do with public health and medical education. Congressional Bill 02, 1979 FUNCTIONS
Government of the Academy Assembly Board of directors President ASSEMBLY General Ordinary Extraodinary Advisory council
Honorary (Nationals, Foreign) Title members Corresponding (Nationals, Foreign) Associate members (nonphysicians) MEMBERSHIP President Vicepresident Perpetual Secretary General Secretary Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS GOVERNMENT
Bylaws and regulations Finances Health policy Medical education Norms and scientific development Medical ethics Publications Library Technical idiom History COMMISSIONS
Cartagena Valle del Cauca CORRESPONDING ACADEMIES Caldas Medellín NATIONAL ACADEMY´S CHAPTERS Atlántico Córdoba Huila MEDICAL ASOCIATIONS AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES AFFILIATIONS Nariño Norte de Santander Quindío Risaralda Santander Tolima
National Academy of Medicine Board Director Secretario General Vicepresidente Presidente Secretario Perpetuo Tesorero Germán Gamarra Hernández Herman Esguerra Villamizar Juan Mendoza Vega Hernando Groot Liévano Jaime Fandiño Franky Secretario General Vicepresidente Presidente Secretario Perpetuo Tesorero Germán Gamarra Hernández Herman Esguerra Villamizar Juan Mendoza Vega Hernando Groot Liévano Jaime Fandiño Franky