1 st Language Development Stages in first language acquisition.


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Presentation transcript:

1 st Language Development Stages in first language acquisition.

Language Acquisition Theory Noam Chomsky’s Theory Transformational Grammar  Deep structure of our language  Language Acquisition Device (LAD) An instinct that enables language learning Imprinting & then dying off Brain Development theory  Multiple neuron firing in a child’s brain  Neural pathways start to establish at puberty Specialization of centers in the brain

Language Development Stage one  First Words Nouns Bilabial initial phonemes Holophrases  One Word sentences (ELL) Overextension (ELL)  Too specific a term for a general object Underextension (ELL)  Too general a term for a specific object

Language Development Stage Two  First Sentences  Telegraphic Speech Two word sentences  Usually Noun & Verb “Me go?”  Whole objects not parts  Mostly refers to “Type”

Language Development Stage Three  Grammar Development Overregularizing (ELL)  “I taked it!”  “Okay” = yes Three, Four, & Five word sentences Pronunciation improves greatly  All vowels in the native language  All consonants in the native language

Language Development Stage Four  Vocabulary Development 6 yr. olds’ have 8,000 to 14,000 20,000 word vocabulary by age 11 Pre-school years are crucial Early trouble with abstract terms Early Trouble with communicative competence  Teasing, sarcasm, taunts, …