Welcome to Third Grade Matthew Mueller - Math/Science Edna Vega-Fritts – ELA/Social Studies
SCHOOL WIDE EXPECTATIONS Every student needs to be at school at 8:00 a.m. If your child needs breakfast, be here by 7:45 a.m. Dismissal will be at 2:50 at the blacktop. If your child is absent, please send in an excuse letter/doctors note.
1.We will be respectful to others’ opinions and property at all times. 2.We will enter the classroom prepared, ready and willing to learn.
3. We will keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves. 4. We will walk down the hall silently and in a straight line.
5. We will raise our hands quietly and wait to be called on before speaking. 6. We will follow directions from all staff members the first time they are given.
HOMEWORK POLICY Each child is expected to complete home assignments neatly. These are designated to review and reinforce what has been taught during the school day.
HOMEWORK POLICY Parents should feel free to assist with homework, but the student should do the completion.
HOMEWORK POLICY Parents should check and sign home assignments nightly.
HOMEWORK POLICY If your child is absent, he/she will be given make up assignments along with a due date.
HOMEWORK POLICY Incomplete and late assignment will have a grade of 60% and no assignment means 0.
HOMEWORK FOLDER Two parts ▫Leave home- All papers stay at home ▫Back to School- All papers should be completed and returned to school the following day. If absent your child should be responsible to secure the missed homework.
GRADING POLICY: Components: Quizzes, tests, drills Unit Assessments Pre and Post Tests Projects Homework Behavior Participation
Schedule 8:00- 8:15 Homeroom 8:15-11:15 3-o1 has Math/Science has ELA/Social Studies 11:15-2: has Math/Science has ELS/Social Studies Lunch is 12:45-1:30 ****On Thursdays the schedule is opposite.
RESOURCE SCHEDULE Ms. Vega-Fritts -Music Mr. MUELLER- Computer Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:15-9:15
MATH Common Core
Math Units Unit 1 Properties of Multiplication and Division and Solving Problems with Units of 2 – 5 and 10 Unit 2 Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure
Math Units Unit 3 Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6 – 9, and Multiples of 10 Unit 4 Measurement and Area Unit 5 Fractions as Numbers on a Number Line
Math Units Unit 6 Collecting and Displaying Data Unit 7 Geometry and Measurement Word Problems
THANK YOU!!!!!!! Together we will have a great school year. Have a WONDERFUL EVENING!