Wordless Picture Book Tuesday by David Wienser Presented by Elizabeth Ross Kim Kleinman
Student Background and Data Collection Name : Grace Age: 10 Born: Russia Grade: 4th Formal Schooling: Grace came here through an international adoption. She was in an orphanage in Russia were she also attended school. She did miss a year of school while still in Russia. She started in our school at the end of first grade and is now in fourth grade. Language Proficiency Data: Based on her CELA from third grade she is LEP Qualitative Reading Inventory: Spring Third Grade - Primer level Spring Fourth Grade – First grade level CSAP: Because Grace struggles so much with reading and writing she was able to opt out of the CSAP in third grade and we do not have fourth grade scored back at this point in the year.
ELD structures identified Grace lacks the vocabulary to be descriptive. ( She said, “stuff” often) Grace lacks the vocabulary to transition from one idea to the next. ( She repeated, “Umm,” for each transition) Grace switched her verb tenses. (is, was, are) Grace had some grammar mistakes.
Lesson Focus Vocabulary development was the area we determined to be Grace’s greatest area of weakness. Language objectives: The student will learn and practice using verbs to be used in story telling. The student will practice reading skills.
Rationale and Strategy This is a very physical and active child. It is often hard for her to focus in class. This activity is highly engaging and requires thinking and moving. Because we are teaching verbs we chose to use an activity that involves total physical response (TPR). The student will be acting out each of the new verbs introduced in the lesson.
Demonstration Procedures: 1.Invite the student to play the acting game. 2. Then, ask the student to choose a card from the stack. Have the student read the card. 3. Invite the child to demonstrate (act out) the word. 4. Repeat this activity until you have used all the cards. This activity was adapted from the Teacher’s Activity Kit by Elizabeth Claire (p.53-98)
The lesson continues….. 1. Next, show the student the page from the book where this action occurs. Invite the student to use the vocabulary word, practiced in the previous activity, to demonstrate the action in the picture. 2. Complete an assessment for understanding by having the student tell the story again using the same wordless picture book. 3. When the student is familiar with the new words, he/she may invite another student to use the pictures to make puppets. Using the new vocabulary words, the students, or a group of students could perform a puppet show. For example: WEDNESDAY MORNING, AROUND SEVEN pigs were seen flying in the bright blue sky.
Next steps…… After successfully playing the action game and performing a puppet show the student could write a sentences using each of the vocabulary words. The student could write a story using the words to tell what he/she thinks the pigs might do on their adventure. Another extension would be to teach adjectives.