Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Schmalz Elementary
Meet Our Teachers Mrs. Eagen and Mrs. Frank and Mrs.Hanco Mrs. Gonzales and Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Serrano and Ms. Hall Mrs. Jarvis
Language Arts Standard 1: Listening/Speaking –Purposes, Culture, Communication, Audiences Standard 2 : Reading –Vocabulary Development, Comprehension, Literary response, text structures, inquiry/research, fluency, variety of texts. Standard 3 : Writing –Inquiry/research, penmanship, capitalization, punctuation, purposes, writing processes, spelling, grammar, evaluation
Mathematics These topics will be covered throughout the year: Place value, ordering and comparing numbers Rounding and estimation Addition w and w/o regrouping Subtraction w and w/o regrouping Money, making change Telling time, using schedules Measurement (customary and metric) in length, capacity, temperature, and weight Multiplication to 12 Division Tables/patterns with extensions
Math, continued Geometry, congruency, symmetry, perimeter, and area Fractions, equivalent, comparing Decimals in money Graphing – pictographs and bar graphs Probability and statistics Multiplication (one and two digits by 1 digit) Division with remainders Problem solving!
Science These topics will be covered throughout the year: Lab safety and science tools Matter Energy, forces and motion The solar system & science models Conservation of resources & protecting our environment The Earth’s surface Plants and animals Personal health habits
Social Studies These topics will be covered throughout the year: Map skills Early American history Structures of government Community (Junior Achievement) Good citizenship Culture and technology (inventors)
Third Grade Expectations Third Grade is a transitional year in which students learn to be more responsible for their behavior and education. To have a successful year together we need to make sure that students are… Using self-discipline Following directions Being responsible Doing their best
Discipline Card Discipline card and Trackers will be sent home daily and will be signed on Tuesday unless directed otherwise by the teacher. In any one behavior area: –0-8 marksS –9-15N –16 or moreU A student will receive an N in the area of “Disciplines Self” if he/she has in a combination of behavior areas. A student will receive an U in the area of “Disciplines Self” if he/she has 21 or more marks in a combination of behavior areas.
Discipline Card, cont. A lost card results in an “N” on the report card in Disciplines Self. Please make sure you read, sign, and return the letter that is being sent home in the packet this evening regarding third grade rules and consequences.
Z. A. P. Zeroes Aren’t Permitted –To help your child be successful in third grade we will provide a quiet place for work to be completed.
CHAMPS C-Conversation H-Help A-Activity M-Movement P-Participation S-Success!!
Time Trackers Homework will be written in the Time Tracker every day. Teachers may write special notes home in the Tracker. Please check daily. Parents may write notes to the teacher in the Tracker as well. Please sign the Time Tracker every Tuesday evening.
A Coordinated Approach To Child Health
What is CATCH? CATCH stands for Coordinated Approach To Child Health It is part of a Coordinated School Health Program designed to prevent sedentary behavior, poor dietary choices, and tobacco use through changes at the elementary school level
CATCH Components Classroom Curriculum Food Service Physical Education Family It’s All About Healthier Kids
Physical Education Students will be involved in MVPA for 50% of class time Students are provided many opportunities to participate and practice skills Students enjoy physical activity Students are encouraged to be physically active outside of school
Conclusion Please pick up and review the packet of information for Third Grade. Sign the back of cover page of the packet and return it to school with your child. Attach any questions you might have to the signature page of the packet. If you need to request a conference to discuss your concerns contact your teacher.
Thank You! Thank you for coming to Third Grade Curriculum Night. We appreciate all of the hard work you do at home with your child in order to make him/her a successful student. We could not succeed without you!