Ms. Lopez 5 th Grade Teacher Room 202 Welcome Back to School!
Homeroom 202 Lockers Attendance Morning announcements Distribution of important notices Contests/Incentives
The Basics Goals for the School Year: Responsibility and accountability Independence Positive attitude and respect toward others Decision making skills Academic and social growth Homework: Must be neat and complete Must be on time (consequences for late homework) Assignment pad (students are responsible for writing down homework assignments) Available on web page (subject to change) Report Card: Academic grades (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, and Incomplete) Citizenship grades of 1, 2, 3, 4 (1 being the best) Parent Conferences: November 16 th, 19 th, 20 th (evening) Preconference form Please sign up with your child’s literacy teacher. Progress Reports: Mid-marking period progress reports displayed in Genesis Grading: Genesis Portal: Discipline: Teacher warning Teacher detention Parent communication Central detention Time Out
Things to Keep in Mind… Coming for extra help is encouraged Communication School Phone: (973) School Fax: (973) My Extra Help: After school; morning help will require a pass given the day before Thank you for attending “Back to School Night” this evening. I am looking forward to a successful year with your child in my classes!
Literacy Ms. Lopez Course Statement: Effective communication is essential to our students’ success today and in the future. The Literacy course for fifth grade is designed to help students develop their own opinions, thoughts, and feelings by making connections between the texts that they read and write to their everyday lives. The students will discover meaning through various literary genres and writing forms. After experiencing a variety of authors’ purposes and points of view, students will be able to develop these key elements of literacy in their own work. An appreciation and awareness of various forms of fiction and non-fiction will be heightened as a result of the facets of the course.
Literacy Writing Workshop: Use the writing process effectively (thinking/writing like real authors) Writer’s Notebook A compilation of thoughts, ideas, and avenues to start writing Mentor Texts Final celebrated pieces and on demand pieces Writing several genres Writing folders/samples Writing across the curriculum Reading: Text: Reading McGraw Hill Anthology Novels Independent reading Reader’s Chair Teacher reading Vocabulary development Comprehension (*“Telling About Books” strategies attached) Projects Tests and Quizzes Spelling/Language: Spelling lists correlate with reading vocabulary Grammar skills in Writing Workshop model
35% Reading Comprehension 10% Writer’s Notebook 15% On Demand Writing 20% Published Writing 10% Language (spelling, grammar) 10% Homework Genesis system is set up to automatically weigh the assignments in each category. Literacy Grades
Math Course Statement: This year, during the marvelous subject that is 5th grade math, your child will be exposed to various mathematical concepts. As a result of learning these concepts, they will be able to apply and, in certain instances, create appropriate representations to reflect their understanding of these concepts. Some of the focal topics of our curriculum include geometry, graphs and data, division, measurement, fractions, and probability. This course is designed to take students from sole concrete thinking and application of mathematical concepts to a combination of concrete and abstract thinking and application of these concepts. It is our goal that the students will be able to apply this learned thinking to current as well as future endeavors.
Math Text: enVision MATH Common Core Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Learn and apply mathematical skills in real life settings Utilize math skills (looking for patterns, using pictures/diagrams/charts, checking work, effectively using time, finding other solutions, using a variety of methods, etc.) *Mastery of multiplication & division facts is crucial* PLEASE HELP PRACTICE AT HOME: Flashcards (quiz each other!) Computer games (Check my webpage for resources.) Ask for facts randomly Numerical Operations, Geometry and Measurement, Fractions, Patterns, Data/Statistics/Graphs Homework is written on the homework board each day and can also be found on my webpage. Please note that the homework board is subject to change. What is written in your child’s assignment pad is most up to date. Online portion of the program is available. Please check the handout that was given to your child for registration instructions.
55% Tests 35% Quizzes 10% Homework Project weight will be determined by complexity of assignment Genesis system is set up to automatically weigh the assignments in each category. Math Grades Online Textbook Directions Games/sites for practice and enrichment