Chapter 2 The Challenges of Parenting


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 2 The Challenges of Parenting The Developing Child Mrs. Jackson

9/8/10 Test over Chapter 1 Turn in Chapter one packets into drawer making sure terms and journals are attached. Pick Chapter 2 packet Read: pages 47-57 Study Guide: Questions 1-11 Handout: Resource Management A Child Called It

Terms Pages 47 & 58

Assuming that a baby is fed every three hours and each feeding lasts 45 minutes, how much time does the parent spend feeding the infant. 6 hours per day; 42 hours per week

Journal 2-1 Describe what you think it would be like to be a teen parent.

Journal 2-2 I plan on waiting to become a parent until I…..

Study Guide Section 2-1

1. Give a brief definition of parenting. Caring for children and helping them develop.

2. Describe 3 actions you could take to make a positive difference in a child’s life. Behave as a positive role model Show interest in a child’s activities Work on a project with a child Volunteer in activities such as tutoring or scouting Take a paid job such as babysitting or camp counseling.

3. How can it help parents to learn about child development. Knowing what behaviors are appropriate at different ages enables parents to have reasonable expectations of their children.

4. Describe 4 actions you could take to help build your parenting skills. Take parenting or child development classes Read reliable information Gain experience working with or caring for children Ask experienced parents for advice Observe parents and children

5. For the parenting task described below, indicate the correct order and then identify the stage and time period for each, according to Galinsky’s model. 3 A. Authority stage-Ages 2-4 or 5 5 B. Establish boundaries-Interdependent stage-Adolescence 1 C. Begin to imagine yourself as a parent: Image stage-Pregnancy 6 D. Evaluate your parenting- Departure stage-Child leaves home 2 E. Become emotionally attached to your child- Nurturing stage-Birth to 2 4 F. Describe what knowledge, skills, and values your child needs- Interpretive stage-Ages 4 or 5 to 13

6. Describe at least 3 ways new parent’s lifestyles often change. Less time for themselves Must consider child’s needs first Personal freedom limited Less time to spend with friends or to relax Plans may change due to child’s needs

7. Why might a new parent experience some negative emotions? New parents go through many changes that may produce stress, fear, and worry. They must deal with a loss of personal freedom and new responsibilities

Try to be understanding Communicate effectively 8. When new parents feel overwhelmed, they may argue with one another. Describe how they can get past such trouble spots. Have patience Try to be understanding Communicate effectively

9. What are some of the rewards of parenthood? Hearing “I love you”. Pride and love never felt before. Helping children discover the world Seeing the world through the eyes of a child Sense of accomplishment from raising child Watching the growing and learning process

Explain in your own words why each of the following considerations is important to the decision of whether to have a child. Emotional maturity: Parents need to be able to put the child’s needs ahead of their own. Expect nothing in return for their attention, control their temper, and handle being constantly on call. Desire for parenthood: People shouldn’t choose parenthood to solve personal problems such as low self-esteem or marriage difficulties.

C. Health: Some medical problems can affect the health of the baby or the parent’s ability to care for the child. Pregnancy is riskier if the mother is under 17 or over 35. D. Financial concerns: Raising children is expensive. Couples usually have to change their way of life to meet these expenses.

E. Resource management: parents needs to use their resources (time and energy, as well as money) wisely to provide for their families.

11. Give an example of a family goal that would require parents to use good resource management skills. By the time their baby graduates from high school, the child’s parents want to have enough money saved to send the child to college.

9-18-09 Child Development Complete Study Guide 2-2 Take Quiz 2-2 and turn in Complete handout Adjusting to Parenthood 23-24 Complete packet Terms attached Journals attached Unscramble words Handout

12. What is sexuality? A person’s view of himself or herself as a male or female. It includes how people feel about themselves and their sense of responsibility toward others.

13. How do hormones affect teens? Cause changes that can affect teens emotionally, as well as physically.

Trust Self-respect Respect of others Commitment Loyalty 14. What personal values might a teen use to help make responsible decisions about sexual activity? Trust Self-respect Respect of others Commitment Loyalty

Illness spread from one person to another by sexual contact. 15. What is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? Identify 3 possible serious effects of STDs. Illness spread from one person to another by sexual contact. Sterility Brain damage Cancer Death

16. What is the only guaranteed way to prevent STDs and pregnancy? Abstinence

Insufficient nutrition Premature birth Low birth weight 17. Identify 4 medical problems for which teen mothers are at high risk? Iron deficiency Toxemia Insufficient nutrition Premature birth Low birth weight

18. Why should teen parents make graduating from high school a high-priority goal? Without a high school diploma, jobs will be hard to get and salaries will likely be low.

19. Why is it especially important to establish paternity when parents do not marry? Both biological parents are legally responsible for providing for the child, so the child’s father’s identity needs to be confirmed.

20. How might relationships with friends change for teens who become parents? May have less time to spend with their old friends and may find they have less in common with them.

Must adjust to parenthood at the same time. 21. When teens marry because of pregnancy, what challenge do the face in addition to the challenges of marriage? Must adjust to parenthood at the same time.

22. What special challenges do teens who are single parents face? Bear the primary responsibility for caring for their children and may feel alone. Need to find help and support from the other parent and/or family members, and friends.

23. Describe 2 types of adoption. Confidential adoption: The birth parents do not know the names of the adoptive parents. Open Adoption: The birth parents and adoptive parents know something about each other.

Quiz 2-1 1. F, a challenging time 2. T 3. T 4. F, over age 35 5. F, Before 6. expectations 7. interdependent 8. Ellen Galinsky 9. departure 10. Emotional maturity

Quiz 2-2 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. Sexuality 7. values 8. abstinence 9. paternity 10. confidential

Test Review

The stage of parenthood in which parents begin to think about themselves as parents. Image-making

Being responsible enough to consistently put someone else’s needs before one’s own. emotional maturity

A person’s view of himself or herself as a male or female. sexuality

Chemicals in the body that control the changes that make adolescents mature sexually. hormones

A disease that is spread from one person to another by sexual contact. STD

Avoiding sexual activity altogether. Abstinence

Legally identifying the biological father of a child. paternity

Type of adoption in which birth parents and adoptive parents know something about each other. Open

What is parenting? Caring for children and helping them grow and develop.

Why is learning about child development important for effective parenting? Knowledge allows parents to set reasonable expectations for children at different ages.

Identify one task of parents during the authority stage of parenthood. To determine rules To clarify their roles as authority figures.

What are 2 possible ways parenthood may impact parents’ careers? May stop working. Cut back on work hours. Work at home. Work flex hours.

What should new parents who are not able to get over their negative feelings about parenthood do? Get professional help to solve the problem.

For what 2 health problems are older pregnant women at risk? Diabetes High blood pressure Birth defects

After setting goals and identifying resources, what is the next step in good resource management. Making a plan

How can families help teens make responsible decisions about sex? Families can pass on their family’s and society’s values, and they can answer teen’s questions.

What are 2 of the serious problems teens may face if they become sexually active? 1. STD’s 2. Pregnancy 3. Emotional and social stress

Why do teens who marry because of a pregnancy face more challenges than other teens who marry? They must adjust to parenthood and mariage at the same time.

Essays for Test Describe the challenges and rewards of being a parent. Discuss how teen pregnancy can cause problems in the following areas: Health risks, education, finances, and emotional and social stress.