WELCOME! Teacher: Carrie Dixon
About Me… Education: –Bachelor of Business Administration Honours (Brock University) Experience: –Developed literacy programs for non-profit organization within school setting
Objective Students will enhance their English skills through content of subjects –Vocabulary development To activate curiosity and give students a safe learning environment to grow To build confidence
Classroom Rules No Chinese Raise your hand to speak Follow the teacher’s instructions Respect one another Respect school property Keep classroom neat and tidy Complete homework and come to class prepared
Class 201 Math and Science –Interactive activities are used to allow a hands on and fun educational experience –Proper procedures for Math are very important to improve upon student’s English skills –Following instruction and rules during Science is both beneficial for safety measures and as a learning tool
Working Together Will use both time in class for practice as well as on their own Please check to ensure homework is completed Please do not just give the answers to their homework –Lead them to the answer –Speak simple English as much as possible –Ask about their day Do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns about your child
Thank you for coming!