Expanded Connections Connecting Expanded and Standard Multiplication Intermediate Math CCS: 4.NBT.5 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. This activity gives the student the opportunity to practice both the expanded and standard forms of multiplying. They will strengthen their fact knowledge and their ability to solve problems mentally as well as understanding the algebraic foundations of composing and decomposing numbers to solve problems. An anchor page is included for use when introducing the station as well as having copies at the station for student referral. Also included is an extra page of activity cards for teacher input. What’s included: □ Task Card in WORD (click on slide to open in WORD for editing OR open the separate TASK CARD DOC on the website) □ Activity Sheet □ Anchor Chart □ Student Activity Cards for self directed work □ Materials Needed: Challenge Question Answer Sheets □ Technology Connection Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.
Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.
Connecting Expanded and Standard Multiplication Problem: 12 chickens lay an average of 18 eggs each day. How many eggs do they lay in 3 days? Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Expanded Algorithm Find the partial products 18 X Standard Algorithm First, multiply the ones. Regroup the tens if needed. 3 X 8 = 24 Regroup the 24 ones as 2 tens, 4 ones X 4 X 3 x 1 ten = 3 tens There are 2 extra tens 3 tens + 2 tens = 5 tens Then multiply the tens. Add the extra tens
Sally is making cupcakes. She has to put them in packages of 3. She needs 31 packages. How many cupcakes does she need to make? Jessica is making dresses for the dancers in a show. She needs 4 yards of material to make one dress. She has to make 29 dresses. How many yards of material does she need? Kendra plays softball. She has played in 28 games this year. She has gotten on base 5 times in each game. How many times has Kendra gotten on base? Wilson bought 6 bags of marbles. Each bag contains 27 marbles. How many marbles did he buy? Hector loves to run. He runs 7 miles every day. Last month he ran 26 days. How many miles did Hector run last month? The grocery store has 25 different types of cereal. The clerk starts the day with 8 boxes of each type on the shelf. How many boxes of cereal are on the shelf? Benji is having a birthday party. He has invited 24 friends. He is going to give each of them 9 candy bars as a treat. How many candy bars does Benji have to buy? 23 kids came to Teresa’s house on Halloween Trick or Treat. She gave each kid 3 candies. How many candies did Teresa give out? Martha has 22 stuffed animals in her room. Each of the animals have 4 feet. How many feet do they have in all?
Henry rows his boat for 5 miles every time he goes out in it. Last month he went out 21 days. How many miles did Henry row last month? Josie was putting sparkles on her barrettes. She has 19 barrettes and she put 6 sparkles on each one. How many sparkles did she need to make them sparkly? Ruby is going to make chocolate chop cookies. She always puts 7 chunks of chocolate in each cookie. This time she needs to make 11 cookies. How many pieces of chocolate does she need? The coach wanted to get the team some pizzas. He bought 8 pizzas. Each pizza was cut into 12 pieces. How many pieces did the team have to share? Mrs. Paulson had to correct a lot of papers. She had 9 papers from each of her 16 students. How many papers did she have to correct? Josh really likes pickles on his sandwiches. His mom puts 7 pickle slices on each sandwich. He ate one sandwich a day for 15 days. How many pickles did he eat on all the sandwiches? Tanya takes dance lessons. She practices for 4 hours each day. After 14 days, how many hours has Tanya practiced? Kylie and her sister have collected 5 sets of doll dishes. Each set of dishes contains 5 plates. How many plates do they have in all? Brendon stays with his grandma 6 days every month. How many days does Brendon stay with his grandma in one year?
Worksheet for Expanded Connections Name ______________________ Date _______________ Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. ExpandedStandardExpandedStandard Card No. ____