Employer Apprenticeship Barrier [Survey] Seven Generations Education Institute
1.How did you find out about apprenticeship? 33.0% self-discovery 16.0% Ministry representative 14.0% today’s employer apprenticeship forum 13.2% marketing materials (radio and newspaper ads or invitations) 8.4% Cooperative Education department 8.4% media/trade magazines 7.0% other SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices?
2. Which of the following factors have prevented you from hiring OYAP apprentices? 18.0% unaware of benefits and incentives to encourage apprentice recruitment 13.0% lack of steady work for the apprentice for the period of training 13.0% lack of preparation of youth applying for apprenticeships 13.0% other 10.0% cost of apprenticeship training vs poaching a certified worker 9.0% concerns over regulations intruding on the workplace (WSIB/insurance) 9.0% lack of info on the process to register an apprentice, requirements 7.5% lack of follow-up from Ministry consultant or school board coordinators 4.5% difficulty following rules and regulations (government Red Tape) 3.0% fees and equipment costs associated with taking on an apprentice
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 3. What kinds of individuals are you looking for to become an apprentice? 35.5% youth with enthusiasm and interest in a specified trade 26.2% students with a high level of employability skills 19.1% students/youth who learn visually, “hands-on learners” 14.2% individuals with years of experience in a skilled trade 5.0% other
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 4. How do you select apprenticeship candidates? 44.0% traditional interview process (ad in newspaper, submission of resume) 35.0% trial placement, candidate’s opportunity to demonstrate learning capabilities 13.0% persistence to be employed at your place of work 8.0% other
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 5.What background/level of education/experience are you looking for in a new hire? 43.1% high school diploma 36.5% exposure to skilled trades in general, tool and equipment of the trade 10.6% post-secondary accreditation 9.6% less than high school, but keen interest 2.0% other
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 6. How often do you have inquiries from students or youth who want to become apprentices? 38.0% annually 35.0% never 16.0% bi-annually 11.0% every three months
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 7.Are you having difficulties finding apprentices? 44.0% NO56.0% YES, if so why? 28.0% few motivated and appropriate candidates 22.0% negative image of the skilled trades among peers, parents, educators 19.0% elimination of trades training programs from secondary schools and colleges, preventing discovery of interests and aptitudes 17.0% lack of information available about apprenticeship opportunities in the skilled trades 14.0% other
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 8. Do you anticipate needing new apprentices in the next five years? 7.0% NO 93.0% YES How many? 174 Motive Power Sector Heavy duty equipment technician Automotive service technician Truck and coach technician Small engine technician
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 8. Do you anticipate needing new apprentices in the next five years? Service Sector Aboriginal early childhood education worker Early childhood educator Child and youth worker Appliance service technician Information technology (network) Network cabling specialist Hairstylist
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 8. Do you anticipate needing new apprentices in the next five years? Industrial Sector Aircraft maintenance engineer General machinist Industrial electrician Industrial mechanic millwright Precision metal fabricator Saw filer/fitter Welder
SECTION A: What barriers prevent you as an employer from registering OYAP apprentices? 8. Do you anticipate needing new apprentices in the next five years? Construction Sector General carpenter Native residential construction worker/Construction craft worker Electrician – construction/maintenance Floor covering installer Heavy equipment operator (logging truck drivers) Line worker (construction/power) Plumber and steam fitter
SECTION B: As an employer, what barriers prevent individuals from completing apprenticeships? 1. Were you part of an apprenticeship program in college? 59.0% NO41.0% YES 2. Did you have exposure to skilled trades during your high school term? 50.0% NO50.0% YES
SECTION B: As an employer, what barriers prevent individuals from completing apprenticeships? 3. What barriers prevent individuals from completing apprenticeships? 20.0% keeping apprentices employed through economic ups and downs 19.0% the cost of tools, no existing tax credit only loans 18.0% the lure of better pay in a different job 12.0% disappointment with the “reality” of an apprenticeship 12.0% financial challenges while waiting for EI (two week delay) 7.0% test anxiety, final Ministry exam too difficult 7.0% limited access to all aspects of the trade 4.0% other 1.0% penalties for completing training
SECTION B: As an employer, what barriers prevent individuals from completing apprenticeships? 4. Do you ever fire apprentices? 74.0% NO26.0% YES, if so why? 28.0% lack of essential employability skills, poor business ethics 25.0% no aptitude or dedication, personal problems 22.0% inability to connect with the public, no customer service training/poor attitude 14.0% lack of basic business skills (math/numeracy, writing, reading, communications) 11.0% other
SECTION B: As an employer, what barriers prevent individuals from completing apprenticeships? 5. What causes apprentices to leave your workplace? 31.0% introductory job assignments perceived as menial, minimal responsibility, low starting wages 17.0% other 14.0% no appreciation for apprenticeship process and time required to achieve 12.0% no loyalty or commitment to the employer, no seniority, job benefits 10.0% inability to keep apprentices busy 7.0% not able to participate in a group work environment, maturity issues 7.0% unable to accept, effective and constructive communication 2.0% inability to find an opening – union collective agreements
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 1. What would assist you to recruit/select the right apprentice? 24.0% a single source/access point for recruitment (student-based job bank) 23.0% prescreening by Coop department, student profile of aptitudes knowledge and interests, barriers if any 19.0% increased Coop placements for students interested in trades 12.0% access to no-fee human resource training and recruitment practices 12.0% better knowledge of the apprenticeship process, employer responsibilities 6.0% increased human resource planning in a skilled trades workplace 4.0% other
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 2. What would assist you to retain apprentices? 27.2% provision of employer-based incentives 22.0% investment in equipment, tools and training for high school students 19.0% participation in Coop and OYAP programs as career exploration with no commitment required 18.4% development of a “how to/steps to train” an apprenticeship resource manual 11.4% increased communications between employers, unions and educators 2.0% other
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 3. What are the most important essential employability skills apprentices need? 24.5% job readiness training 20.3% communication skills 15.1% numeracy/business math skills 13.0% basic business ethics 12.0% customer service training 12.0% expanded literacy skills 3.1% other – WHMIS, H&S, CPR & 1st Aid, computer skills, wanting & willing to work
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 4. What changes would make it a more successful training program for you as an employer? 29.0% more knowledge about the benefits of apprenticeship 21.0% prepared training plans for Coop and OYAP students 19.0% fewer monitoring forms to complete 15.0% prepared job description with list of tasks to be undertaken, eliminates student misunderstanding 14.0% increased visits from the Ministry training consultant 2.0% other
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 5. What changes in the education system would make it easier to take on interested students? 21.0% preliminary training completed prior to placement 20.0% exposure to skilled trades in secondary school 18.0% improved secondary school training (essential skills) 16.0% longer or full day work placement opportunities 14.0% general understanding of safe work practices 7.0% career exploration in elementary schools 3.0% other
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 6. What recommended government action would encourage you provide apprenticeship opportunities? 18.0% other types of financial/tax rebates/incentives for employers 15.0% other types of financial/tax rebates/incentives for apprentices 14.0% introducing a specific tax credit for the purchase of tools/ equipment 13.0% elimination of the 2-week EI waiting period for apprentices 10.0% more service trades able to access the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit Cont’d…
SECTION C: What changes/supports/aids would help you as an employer to overcome these barriers? 6. What recommended government action would encourage you provide apprenticeship opportunities? 9.0% mandatory essential, skills training in all skilled trades available in Ontario (TOWES) 8.0% updating of in-school curricula/standards to meet current trends 6.0% changes to the journey person to apprenticeship ratios 5.0% adoption of Red Seal as mandatory designation in Ontario trades 2.0% other
SECTION D: What would you be prepared to do to implement changes to help address these barriers? 1. Is your company willing to register as an employer with the local school board? 35.0% NO 65.0% YES New/or interested P2P registrations = 25 employers 2. Do you want follow-up information on the incentives presented here today? 45.0% NO55.0% YES General comments….
SECTION D: What would you be prepared to do to implement changes to help address these barriers? General comments: -We have 3 young guys working with us right now that would probably qualify for some sort of apprenticeship. -I have in the past contacted the high school automotive instructor looking for possible apprentices to hire and was almost blown off by him and never received a name or a call from anyone. It was quite disappointing and made me wonder what the purpose of the high school course was other than self improvement. -Would like to see an apprenticeship for surface mining, heavy equipment operation - Construction is hard work, and most youth have no experience with hard work. Also, next time you need to bring in some trades men to tell you why their kids won’t follow in their footsteps.
SECTION D: What would you be prepared to do to implement changes to help address these barriers? General comments: -Grants needed for apprentices for surface mining -As a children’s aid society we employ social workers (generally requires a bachelor of social work degree) and child care workers (generally requires a college diploma), unsure as to how an apprenticeship / skill trades program could benefit us as an employer. -Would like more for travel funds as nearest school is Sault Ste. Marie -Will contact community organizations -The mining sector offers a multitude of training and it may be wise to include the mining sector in your advertising.