PLEASE SIGN IN Find a Seat Welcome to Mrs. Bosquez’s And Ms. Maddox’s Class
1. How to Contact Us 2. Attendance 3. Daily Schedule 4. Grading Scale 5. Curriculum 6. Homework 7. Class Rules 8. Rewards Agenda
Mrs. Bosquez (832) How To Contact Us Ms. Maddox (832) Websites:
Attendance * Instruction starts at 8:00 * Students cannot afford to miss instructional time due to the structure and pacing of the curriculum * We need students here everyday, all day, so if you can avoid late arrivals or early dismissals, it would be greatly appreciated. * If your child has a fever, please keep them at home for 24 hours.
Krahn in the News Krahn has been recognized by the Houston Chronicle as one of the outstanding schools in Houston. Our students scored very well on the 2014 STAAR assessment, but we did not achieve our distinguished rating from TEA because of our attendance rate. Therefore, Krahn is working hard this year to raise our attendance rate. Students should only miss school for true illness. Please schedule out of town activities, vacations, etc., during scheduled school holidays. Missed days of instruction are difficult for students to make-up.
Daily Schedule Specials are from 2:15 – 3:00 On P.E. days, wear tennis shoes. Bosquez’s PE Days: Mon, Wed, Fri Maddox’s PE Days: Tues, Thurs, Fri Art once a week Library Day is Tuesday
Grading Scale 90 – 100A 80 – 89B 75 – 79C 70 – 74D 0 – 69F
Curriculum High Expectations TEKS Based Instruction Integrated Learning Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop Labs Interactive Journals for all subjects
Math Problem solving board and Daily TEKS/STAAR review Hands-on manipulatives Practice Assessment
Social Studies Geography Culture Economics Heritage Civics Government United States History Journals Vocabulary
Science Science Process Skills Matter Energy Force and Motion Earth, Sun and Moon Life: Plants and Animals and Environment Hands-on Labs Journals
Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop Currently conducting text level and fluency testing Setting up Reader’s Workshop Cognitive and comprehension strategies Vocabulary development Variety of genres Reading Response activities Journals Vocabulary
Technology Mandated Technology TEKS Instruction: Embedded into core content Star Board E-instruction Classroom Computers Reflex Math I-Station Think Through Math
Homework Read for at least 30 minutes each night (Mon – Thurs). Reading will require a daily signature. Keep log in planner. Multiplication and division facts need to be reviewed daily. Spelling homework total of 10 points from “Spelling Grid” due on Friday. Please check your child’s planner everyday to know about homework and testing dates.
School Rules Be respectful Be responsible Be a learner
Rewards Positive Reinforcement Tickets
Thanks For Coming!!!