XYZ Corporation 2012 United Way of Greenville County Campaign AM A. GRADUATION CAP. PLAYGROUND.STETHOSCOPE. I AM A UNITED WAY DONOR.
…I am medical care for a low-income family. I am a business suit for an out-of-work mom. And I am a new home for an adult with mental illness. …I am a diploma for a high school dropout who needs a second chance. I am a job offer for an unemployed father. And I am a hot meal for a homeless family. …I am an after-school program for an at-risk child. I am child care for a working single mom. And I am a safe shelter for a displaced family. I’m all of these things, and many, many more. Because I’m a United Way donor. AS A UNITED WAY DONOR…
With your help, United Way of Greenville County’s work centers on two distinct, but equally important, strategic goals: 1.Helping Today 2.Strengthening Tomorrow Helping Today. Strengthening Tomorrow.
When you support United Way, you reach out to people in need right now. Your generosity supports local programs that are effectively addressing the basic, essential and immediate needs of individuals, families and neighborhoods. Helping Today.
Programs and funding amounts were selected based on a series of factors designed to ensure the greatest return on investment: ① a program’s ability to address at least one of United Way’s five focus areas: children, youth, families, health and crisis ② program/agency finances and sustainability ③ program results measurement and reporting ④ demonstration of community collaboration, innovation and best practices Helping Today.
You also support efforts to eliminate future needs and create meaningful, lasting change that impacts everyone in Greenville County through focusing on three priority issues: School Readiness: Ensuring all kids are ready to learn when they enter school. High School Graduation: Keeping students engaged in school so they graduate with options for the future. Financial Stability: Helping families gain financial stability and become self-supporting. Strengthening Tomorrow.
The Goal: Decrease the percentage of children in Greenville County who enter the 1st grade “not consistently demonstrating readiness” from 23% in 2008 to 13% in SCHOOL READINESS = HIGHER GRADUATION RATES, DECREASED JUVENILE CRIME, LOWER TEEN PREGNANCY Eliminating Future Needs Why it’s important…
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION = BETTER HEALTH, LOWER CRIME, HIGHER INCOME AS AN ADULT, LESS GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE The Goal: Increase the high school graduation rate from 73% in 2008 to 85% in 2018.
Eliminating Future Needs Why it’s important… FINANCIAL STABILITY = ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE, LESS PERSONAL DEBT, HOME OWNERSHIP, ADEQUATE RETIREMENT SAVINGS, LESS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/ABUSE, INCREASED SCHOOL READINESS OF CHILDREN The Goal: Decrease the number of Greenville County households that spend more than 40% of total household income on housing costs from more than 30,000 in 2008 to less than 22,000 in 2018.
Creating a Cycle of Success With your help, United Way can create a cycle of success that is marked by key milestones in every person’s life. When babies are taught to learn, they become readers. When those readers succeed in school, they become graduates. When those graduates get good jobs and create stable homes, their families have a bright future. And they teach their babies to learn.
How can I contribute? a percentage of your salary Fair Share level is 1% of annual salary / one hour of pay per month wage Don’t forget to keep this receipt for your tax records!
$____ per pay period any single dollar amount How can I contribute? Don’t forget to keep this receipt for your tax records!
Palmetto Society ($1,000 or more) = ($20 per week) How can I contribute? Don’t forget to keep this receipt for your tax records!
Special initiatives for further involvement: African American Leadership (AALG) Women’s Leadership Young Philanthropists (YP) YP 20s Director’s Circle $1,000 - $1,499 Leader’s Circle $1,500 - $2,499 Executive’s Circle $2,500 - $4,999 President’s Circle $5,000 - $7,499 Chairman’s Circle $7,500 - $9,999 Tocqueville Society $10,000 + Making a Difference United Way Palmetto Society - Leadership Giving LEVELS OF PALMETTO SOCIETY GIVING Donors who contribute $1,000 or more are recognized as members of the United Way Palmetto Society. These donors have opportunities throughout the year to attend networking and recognition events.
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United Way Support Services Whether you need help or want to volunteer. United Way links callers with resources that assist with a variety of health and human service issues, including emergency assistance, counseling, adult education and so many more. United Way operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just dial for help. Or, you can also search for resources online at United Way Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) offers assistance to parents regarding what to look for in quality child care, assistance with child care referrals and access to resources for parents of young children. Additionally, CCR&R provides critical training and resources to assist child care educators in their efforts to provide high quality care. CCR&R also helps employers in learning how to create a family-friendly workplace for employees. CCR&R can be accessed by calling or going online at United Way Hands On Greenville offers opportunities for people to give back to the community through volunteering. There are opportunities available for everyone. Simply call or search online at
Thank you for your generosity. Stay connected year-round. Visit Like us on Facebook at