Your goals Explore the details of your life for skills and accomplishments, names, dates, and places. Present the material in a way that holds the attention of the reader and reveals the very best about you Translate your skills and accomplishments into power terms and the language related to what you are seeking
How do I use a Resume Applying for job Applying for scholarships Applying for college Providing information about you Display your background
What should be on a Resume Sections should include Personal Education Experience References Optional sections Objective Skills/Strengths Awards Interests
Personal Section should include Name Full legal name Phone number Contact number complete with area code Make sure ring tone is appropriate Address Use complete address with city, state and zip
Education Section should include Dates attended or received diploma or certificate If you have certificates for things such as food handlers, life guard,CPR etc. list them Special school counts now – as get older only list those receive degrees or completion certificiates Address of school Remember city state and zipPhone number should be included Name of school Only those receive degree or diploma from Most recent first Optional things in education Courses studied Grade Point Awards
Experience Section should include Start building your background now – it all counts Remember sell what you have done – Child care, Lawn work, it shows responsibility. Name of business Address of business Dates Title/Duties
Using Action Words administer supervised Served on recommended organized planned performed operated implemented coordinated
References Rules of references: Ask if you can use someone Do not use family member Needs to be adult over 21 Should not be past employer Information Needed: Name of person, Title Place where they are that title at Address Phone number (optional – Capacity and or years known)
Resume Format Name Address Phone Number (only if professional) OBJECTIVEState what your purpose is (this is optional) EDUCATIONSchool Name (Most recent first) Address Phone Date receive diploma (or dates attended) (GPA –optional) Any specialty schooling or certificates held such as Food Handlers permit/First Aid card WORK EXPERIENCEName of Business(remember most recent first) Address Phone Dates Employed Duties/Title
VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE(optional) SKILLS/ABILITIES(optional) REFERENCESName of person, Title Place where they are that title Address Phone number (optional – capacity known)
Remember the following guidelines Make it yours Keep it very clean and professional looking Should be easy to follow for any reader It is an outline of your most important aspects If the information is not a strong point do not include it such as GPA – if it is a selling feature of yourself include it Keep in mind reader does not know you and is not always knowledgeable on school terms – do not use abbreviations except for WA and NE. SW etc. If you give GPA or information based on a scale give the scale example GPA 3.5/4.0 The following are two Senior student’s resumes and excellent examples.