Knowing Eligibility and the Rules to Interviewing 2014 MEP CONFERENCE
Elements of Eligibility What are the 5 Elements of Eligibility in the MEP?
Change your Words Change your World
Age 0 through 4 years How are you doing in identifying this age group? Are you visiting your childcare Centers on a regular basis? District MEP Plans Identifying 0 through 4 years of our migrant population is maximized by leaving our school walls. 5 through 12 years These are our school aged children Does you school have a system in place to notify the Recruiter when your student is absent more than 10 days? Short Moves Challenged Moves Are you interviewing all of your returning migrant children? summer moves 13 through 21 years Tougher to identify age group At times they move “on own.” Drop out of school. Make summer moves. Don’t want to be identified as “Migrant.” Hey I was MISSED for 18 years Straight!!
School Completion The child is eligible for a free public education (no HS diploma or GED) Things to keep in mind. Our Out of School Youth (OSY) are eligible for the MEP. *teen through 21 years. Do you have HEP/CAMP contacts available? HEP/CAMP have limited access to the MSIS. Students with high school diplomas or school completion from a foreign country does not count for the MEP *depending on your local district policy. Always ask, don’t assume if the child does or doesn’t have a high school diploma or attained their GED.
Move Migrant families move across school district boundaries. Moves from the US to a foreign country to seek or obtain do not qualify as a qualifying as a move. What are the 5 criteria of a qualifying move? Remember the child(ren) that accompany the worker (cousin, nephew, friend). Born after the QAD. Moves of short duration. To join moves more than 12 months. Residency date moves. Moves to recreational regions/vacation (leisure) destinations. Moves for personal subsistence require comments. Remember, Migrant Families are highly mobile and its our responsibility to Identify and Recruit.
Purpose of Move To obtain qualifying work and obtained qualifying work To obtain any employment and obtained qualifying work, soon after the move HOWEVER Specifically Non-Qualifying Work (c ook, janitor, mechanic) ANY employment Other credible evidence that worker sought the work. Specifically to obtain qualifying work, but did not obtain the work soon after the move Prior History to obtain qualifying work AND What is to eligibility in the MEP? The qualifying move should always be to Seek and Obtain, and NEVER to Maintain. Neighboring school district moves. Recruiter needs to probe and ask if the move was obtain or seek new employment, and not just to maintain employment. EXAMPLE SCENARIO
Qualifying Work Things to Remember Temporary Employment Seasonal Employment OR ANDAND Agricultural Work Fishing Work OR For Wages For Personal Subsistence ANDAND Your activity needs to match you QAD. Temporary work ALWAYS needs temporary comments. Fishing work and Huckleberry work for the most part is linked to short duration moves due to the nature of short period of harvest or season. If its “personal subsistence” and for “wages”, its okay to check “wages.” Dairy/Beef/Poultry is ALWAYS temporary. Initial Processing vs Production Activities that requires additional probing. Canning Processing Labeling Fixing Preparing Cooking Truck Driver Don’t rush your interview. It’s okay to probe.
Interview Essentials RED FLAGS TO LOOK OUT FOR/KEY QUESTIONS During the course of a parent interview, there are a few "red flags" which should alert the recruiter of the need to ask additional probing questions related to the family's eligibility. First agricultural or fishing move in work history - The family has not done agricultural or fishing work before. Households where some members have non-agricultural/fishing occupations - Members of the household have other kinds of employment other than an agricultural or fishing job. Intent moves, especially off-season (work sought but not obtained) - The intent of the move is to look for work, which is not obtained, or the work is not performed at the same time as the move. Very short term move and/or short distance move - The move is for a short period of time or over a short distance. Sometimes asking key questions may help clarify the eligibility status of a family. Would you have moved here if you knew there would not have been any agricultural of fishing employment available? What type of work have you done in the past? What type of work were you seeking when you came here?