1 How does Blackboard Learn Help? 1
2 District Benefits 2 Nurture an educational community by encouraging community and parental involvement Ensure every educator has up-to-date access to a standards-based curriculum Improve teacher quality with effective and affordable professional development Expand learning opportunities without being limited by time, space, or scheduling conflicts Extend classroom learning online (often for 1:1 or B.Y.O.D initiative) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT VIRTUAL SCHOOL BLENDED LEARNING EDUCATION CONTINUITY Ensure teaching and learning can continue even when students and teachers cannot physically come to school
Exploratory Expansion District Imperative District Benefits Primary Focus Targeted Use Blended Learning District-wide Virtual School Effective and Affordable Professional Development Collaborative Curriculum Management Community and Parental Engagement K12 Adoption Model Empowering Districts to Drive Student Success K-12 ADOPTION MODEL 3 Education Continuity
Additional Benefits Enable teacher & student efficiency. Drive learner engagement & achievement. Expanding curriculum options, flexibility, & choice. Reduce education costs (paper, travel, and time out of class). Power a blended learning, 1:1, B.Y.O.D., or virtual school initiative. Offer sustained and continuous professional development. Centralized curriculum management. Ensure college or career readiness. Deliver a framework for standards based teaching and learning. Integrate district digital content access. Engage and inform parents. Differentiate instruction and personalize learning. Integrate web 2.0 technologies to support college and career readiness. Create a single community for all teaching and learning needs for students, teachers, and parents. Provide education continuity.
5 Mobile Learn Value Mobile Access – Anywhere, Anytime, ANY Device