Labor and Delivery nurse Kelli Mitter
A brief Description of a labor and delivery Nurse Labor and Delivery Nurses help bring people into the world every day. They care for women during labor and childbirth, monitoring the baby and the mother, coaching mothers and assisting doctors.
Education/Training You have to have a nursing diploma Associate of science in nursing (ASN) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Take an elective in labor and delivery in school Inpatient Obstetric Nursing ( RNC-OB) Certification through the National Certification Corporation
Salary My salary per year is 64,690 ($31.10 per hour
Job outlook By 2018 the number of nurses is expected to go up
Attributes And abilities You have to be: Fast-Paced Multifaceted Structured Patient-Facing
Duties of labor and delivery nurse You have to monitor the baby’s heart rate and the mothers Blood Pressure Identify and assist with complications Help administer medications and epidurals Aid in inducing Labor Prepare new mother for before and after pregnancy
Duties con.t •Comforting a mother through painful contractions •Taking care of new mothers who have to stay in the hospital after birth •Teaching new mothers about childcare •Resuscitating newborns who run out of breath •Assisting in emergency treatments for mothers and newborns •Assisting a doctor during the birth of a child •Providing a comfortable environment for new mothers •Keeping parents informed about the health of their children
How do labor and delivery nurse use math math? They have to: Time Contractions Measure medicine amounts
Bibliography Occupational Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 13 February 2013. < > Discovery Nursing. 13 February 2013 < >