The Adventures Of Curious George And The Cat By Nick Branscombe Illustrated by Nick Branscombe Raul Da Ghoul
Copyright Page ©Nick Branscombe year 2014 All parts of this publication may be reproduced. Swag Publishing 200 Mansion Edited by Mason and Brady ISBN Roache,
Dedicated To Liam Dedications to Liam for being a good little book buddy and for being awesome.
Author Nick Branscombe
One day Curious George was playing outdoors and while playing he came across a cat that happened to own a boat.
The nice cat asked Curious George, “where do you want to go”?
Curious George thought about it,and he had been to a lot of places, but he had never been to Cuba so he said “Cuba.”
Then the cat and Curious George paddled all the way from Canada to Cuba. It took a LONG time!
When they got to Cuba. George said to the cat “It’s so warm, it’s so nice!”
George was playing in the water. George asked him, “Come play in the water.”
But the cat said, “I would, but I can’t swim.”
After George taught the cat how to swim he said, “I miss home.” So the cat took George, but on the trip George fell asleep.
When he woke up he was in bed by himself and the cat was gone.
Autobiography Nick Branscombe: Born May 20/02 in Bridgewater 1 younger sister I like soccer and biking. My favorite subject in school is Social Studies. Won Soccer Championships in under 14 soccer and under 12.
Comments Good Kadin Good story Mason Cool story Kobe Interesting Liam Good story boss cat and boat Parker