Conscious Choices: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning Chapter Five Emotional Intelligence: Self-Mastery
Emotional Intelligence Your attitude is the primary measure of emotional intelligence Gratitude Optimism Adaptabili ty Self-awareness
Event Emotion Thoughts justifying emotions, Worrying, Remembering the emotions… Cycle of emotions and thoughts
Managing Emotions The emotionally intelligent person can take charge of his or her emotions. Emotions ebb and flow naturally unless you sustain them with your thoughts. Managing how you think or talk about your feelings can extend or reduce the intensity of the emotion.
Balancing Emotions Use the heart to change the mind, or the mind to change the heart. Observe your emotional state and then decide if it is an appropriate response for the circumstances and people involved.
What is Self-Awareness? Observing your thoughts or feelings Witnessing yourself from a neutral perspective Being aware of what you are doing by noticing the sensations, emotions, or thoughts you experience
Self-Awareness is NOT Being Self-conscious Analytical Blaming Self-critical
Acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses without judgment is a key sign of emotional intelligence
Your inner self-talk becomes the guiding force in determining whether you will process your experiences as self-empowering or self-defeating.
Self-Responsibility Using self-control by showing restraint and delaying gratification Inspiring your own motivation Not blaming others for personal difficulties
Social Competence Adaptable and Flexible Compassionate and Empathic Good Listener Appreciation of Diversity People Skills Leadership Qualities
Emotional intelligence requires you to take 100% responsibility for the outcome of all your relationships. Focus on changing yourself and not the other person. Disengage from antagonistic relationships OR Use better communication or conflict resolution techniques