Curriculum Council May 21, 2014. Nearpod Introduction


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Presentation transcript:

Curriculum Council May 21, 2014

Nearpod Introduction

FREE Poll Draw It Quiz Video PDF Reports FEE Homework Share Web Page Slide Share Twitter Aggregate Reports Per teacher license through statewide IU Consortium = $50/teacher/year –OR- $100/teacher/3years

CIU STEM Consortium Membership Benefits Consortium Agreement


PVAAS Updated PVAAS Website Best Practices Dialogue: Performance vs. Quintile Diagnostic Reports Performance vs. Quintile Diagnostic Reports Roster Verification

Comprehensive Planning Updated PDE Website Best Practices Dialogue: Implementation Chart

ESEA Flexibility Federal Designations

Educator Effectiveness Updates Disclaimer: All updates are preliminary. Final regulations and details will be released by the end of June in the PA Bulletin.

NTPE = Non-Teaching Professional Educator Definition: Educational Specialists or professional educators who provide services other than classroom instruction. This includes employees with instructional certification who are not categorized as classroom teachers by the LEA. Basically, three groups will fall under the category of NTPE: Educational Specialists Instructionally Certified teachers not providing direct instruction Administrators/Supervisors Ultimately, the LEA needs to categorize each employee as either a teaching or non-teaching professional.

NTPE NTPEs working under their Instructional Certification will be evaluated using the Danielson Framework for Teaching. A crosswalk will be posted on PDEs website to illustrate the connection between the legislative intent of Act 82 for NTPEs and the Danielson Framework. The SAS portal will have examples for these professionals (ex. PIIC has developed examples for instructional coaches who do not provide direct instruction).

NTPE NTPEs working under their Supervisory Certification will be evaluated using the Framework for Leadership. Examples of professional employees in this group would include Special Education Directors and Curriculum Directors. (Note: Principal certification may qualify an administrator to serve as a Director of Curriculum. In such a case, the employee would be considered a NTPE working under their Supervisory Certification.)

NTPE NTPEs working under an Educational Specialist Certification have been providing feedback from the pilot in The rubrics are designed to help the evaluators have a better understanding of the level of performance of their specialists.

NTPE All NTPEs (i.e., all three groups) will be evaluated using All domains for the Observation/Practice area will be weighted equally. The four domains follow: Planning and Preparation Educational Environment Delivery of Service Professional Development

Classroom Teacher Effectiveness SPP data is expected to be available on September 19 to enter into the summative evaluation for BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST FORM. CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE. PDE has provided a chart of guidance regarding which SPP to use at various times.

Classroom Teacher Effectiveness A new 82-1 form for will be posted after July 1. For , the factors for the 82-1 form follow: Teacher Observation/Practice = 50% Building Level Data = 15% Teacher Specific Data (except for PVAAS) = 15% Elective Data = 20%

Classroom Teacher Effectiveness In regard to Teacher Specific Data, Act 82 states the following: (B) Fifteen per centum (15%) teacher-specific data, including, but not limited to, student achievement attributable to a specific teacher as measured by all of the following: (I) Student performance on assessments.* (II) Value-added assessment system data made available by the department under section 221. (III) Progress in meeting the goals of student individualized education plans required under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (Public Law , 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq.). (IV) Locally developed school district rubrics. *The term "assessment" shall mean the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment test, the Keystone Exam, an equivalent local assessment or another test established by the State Board of Education to meet the requirements of section Link to Act 82:

Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Although the Value-Added Assessment Data will not be available in , the 15% Teacher Specific Data requirement will be in effect. Essentially, the SLO process will be used to incorporate progress in meeting IEP goals and local district rubrics in order to address the Teacher Specific Data requirement. A new Administrative Manual and a new FAQ document are coming in order to better explain the requirements for , especially Teacher Specific Data requirement.

Principal Effectiveness Correlation Data: Due to a lack of a statistical correlation between Teacher Level Measures and Observation and Practice ratings, it was recommended that PDE adopt a process that focuses on the conversation between the supervising administrator and the principal based on the principal’s knowledge, understanding and intended use of the evidence presented regarding the relationship between Teacher Level Measures and the Observation and Practice ratings.

Principal Effectiveness Correlation Data Continued: A performance Level Descriptor Chart has been developed that will provide the guidance for a rating for the Correlation Data segment based on the conversation between the supervising administrator and the principal regarding Teacher Level Measures and the Observation and Practice ratings. Teacher Level Measures shall include, but not be limited to any combination of one or more of the following data: Building Level Data Teacher Specific Data Elective Data

Principal Effectiveness Elective Data: A template for the Principal SLOs has been completed. The template will consist of expandable boxes that will be used by the principal to complete the measureable goal(s) as stated in the SLO including, but not limited to: historical information relating to the selection of the goal, performance indicators, performance measures, action plans, and a rating scale that will be developed in collaboration between the supervising administrator and the principal. PDE will provide a template, guidance, and direction to facilitate the completion of the SLO document.

Principal Effectiveness Trainings: Framework for Leadership Training – 30 PIL hours Correlation Training + Elective Data Training – 30 PIL hours

Principal Effectiveness Phase III Pilot Data Collection: Opened on April 21 and will close on June 30. Two components per domain are expected to be rated based upon the evidence collected during Phase III. Data will be sent directly to the researchers (REL) and not to PDE. Data can be used to help inform a principal’s rating for

Project Based Assessment Updates

PBAs Timeframe for completion is open ended. School district’s report the average time as hrs. for Algebra. Literature is expected to take longer. Projects and passages can be downloaded as a PDF and printed, but they cannot be removed from the room. A new FAQ document is coming soon. Implementation Plans Training Needs?

PBA Tutoring Level of Support Status of Student WorkTutor Role 1Generally accurateReview, address areas for correction 2Incomplete/inaccurate sections Provide targeted remediation 3Demonstrates total lack of understanding Provide in-depth remediation Note: Providing answers is not appropriate at any level.

PBA Tutor “Training” Resources: 1)FAQ (being updated) 2)PBA Video 3)Roles & Responsibilities 4)Released Field Test Projects

September 19 - LEAs Preview SPPs (NOT a correction window— strictly an opportunity for LEAs to preview the SPP information in preparation for public release) September 24 – Public Release of SPPs Best Practices Dialogue SPPs

SAS Portal Best Practices Dialogue PA Core Curriculum Frameworks PA Core Training & Implementation Teacher Effectiveness Modules for Act 48 SLOs


Conferences, Workshops, and Trainings Principal Effectiveness Introduction to John Collins Writing SLO School Leaders Innovations in Literacy Understanding Depth of Knowledge Region 6 Leadership Institute SLO Introduction – at Keystone Central

Conferences, Workshops, and Trainings Cont. Safe School Leadership Strategies Advanced Placement Summer Institute Educator Bootcamp Literacy Design Collaborative Reading Apprenticeship Level 1 Reading Apprenticeship Level 2 Math Design Collaborative KSRA Conference Continuing Professional Education Courses

Meeting Schedule Sept. 24, 2014Feb. 25, 2015 Oct Mar. 25, 2015 Dec. 3, 2014May 6, 2015 Jan. 28, 2015

Other Needs, Questions, or/and Discussion Items