Self Efficacy
What is Self-Efficacy? Capability to produce performance Influence over events that affect lives Feel, think, motivate
Processes Cognitive Motivation Affective Selection of activity
High Assurance in capabilities Difficult tasks = Challenges to be mastered Intrinsic interest Engaged in activities Set challenging goals
Heighten and sustain effort in the face of failure Failure = insufficient effort, deficient knowledge and skills
Low self efficacy Doubt capabilities Avoid difficult tasks, personal threats Low aspirations Weak commitment to goals External agents
Threatening situations Exercise control Personal accomplishment Reduced stress Lower vulnerability to depression
Threatening situations Dwell on personal deficiencies Obstacles Possible adverse outcomes Give up when difficulties are encountered Insufficient performance = deficient aptitude
Beliefs about efficacy Mastery experiences Perseverance Effort Overcoming obstacles 2. Vicarious experiences Modeling based on perceived similarity Models transmit knowledge, skills, strategies
Beliefs about efficacy 3. Social persuasion Possess the capabilities to master activities Effort, try to succeed Devp. Skills and sense of personal efficacy 4. Structure situations to bring success Self improvement= success
Efficacy Activated Processes Cognitive processes Motivational processes Attribution Expectancy Goals
Efficacy Activated Processes Cognitive processes Motivational processes Attribution Expectancy Goals 3. Affective processes Coping capabilities Guided mastery
Coping Capabilities Stress, depression, motivation Control over stressors Control over threats Depression, avoidance behavior, anxiety Mastery experiences Devp resiliance
Selection Processes People avoid activities they believe exceed their coping capabilities Undertake challenges they are capable of handling Choices of environment
Optimistic Self-beliefs of efficacy Overestimation of self Innovation Suffer repeated rejections Collective efficacy = strength of groups
Development and Exercise of Self-Efficacy over the Lifespan Origins Familial Peer influence School Adolescence Adulthood Reappraisals
Choice---Effort---Persistence Motivation Choice---Effort---Persistence
Achievement Autonomy Self determination
Motivation Intrinsic Extrinsic