IN HOME ECONOMICS Norma Maynard (Consultant , CAHE) PROFESSIONALISM IN HOME ECONOMICS Norma Maynard (Consultant , CAHE)
Home Economics a profession with a long history at the local, regional and international level. IFHE on August 1, 2008 celebrated its centennial anniversary AAFCS will be holding its centennial celebrations (100th Annual Conference and Expo) June 9, 2009 CAHE was inaugurated in 1972, and is now in its 37th year of operation
Home Economics defined: “Home Economics is a field of study and a profession, situated in the human sciences, that draws from a range of disciplines to achieve optimal and sustainable living for individuals, families and communities.” .
Historical origins - place Home Economics in the context of the home and household. extended in the 21st century to include the wider living environments. WHY? the capacities, choices and priorities of individuals and families impact at all levels, ranging from the household, to the local and also the global. (Glocal – global and local)
Profession/professional/ism “a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science”; Professional one who follows ‘an occupation as a means of livelihood or gain,’ or one who is ‘engaged in one of the learned professions’. . Professionalism being exhibited by the ‘professional character, spirit or methods’ or the ‘standing, practice or methods of a professional as distinguished from an amateur’. is both an individual characteristic and an ideological position.
Professionalism the skill, competence, standards expected of a member of a profession undeviating courtesy, honesty and responsibility.
“Teacher Professionalism” “…the ability to reach students in a meaningful way, developing innovative approaches to mandated content, while motivating, engaging and inspiring young adults minds to prepare for ever advancing technology”.
Characteristics of Professionals are considered experts have a high degree of generalised and systematic knowledge with a theoretical base have a high degree of self control of their behaviour are governed by a Code of Ethics (Source:
Characteristics of Professionals Competence Performance Conduct (Source: www.teacherprofessionalism..)
Competence Is displayed through: Preparation A strong knowledge of the subject area that allows for preparation of innovative teaching/delivery techniques The acquisition of pedagogical techniques that the he/she considers most effective. Pedagogy is the act/practice/art/science of teaching.
Four dimensions or areas of practice Home Economics can be clarified As an academic discipline…. As an arena for everyday living…. As a curriculum area… As a societal arena… To be successful in these 4 areas means that the profession is constantly evolving and that there will always be new ways of performing the profession. Need for expert novices – good at learning new things.
Competencies for HEc Pro Mastery of theoretical knowledge Capacity to solve problems Ability to create knowledge as well as possess it Application of theoretical knowledge to practice Enthusiasm and commitment to clients Commitment to continuous learning about the profession
University of Northern Iowa Professional Teacher Competencies. Knowledge of Content and Skills Areas Knowledge of learners and the learning Process Instructional Planning Use of Instructional Strategies Learning Environment and Classroom Management Use of Communication Strategies Assessing/Diagnosing/Evaluating Strategies
INI Competencies…. Home School Community Relations Use of Motivation Strategies Use of Problem Solving/Decision Making Strategies Use of Technology Use of Multicultural Gender Fair Strategies Human Relations Skills Professional Characteristics/Personal Qualities
In Teacher Professionalism Competence is essential Through Performance a professional effectively teaches concepts and learners are seen to apply these to their daily lives Conduct is demonstrated… “from aesthetics to language to behaviour”. Includes one’s ability to initiate and maintain quality communication with all parties in education
Expectations Professionals are expected to: Establish a special relationship with clients or patrons. Have a lack of self interest. Be involved in all aspects of the profession. Publicise what the profession ‘does’ and ‘is’.
Education Unique training – extensive period, a combination of formal education, training and apprenticeship; usually in a higher education environment Formal education Achieving credentials Activity in continuing education opportunities – lifelong learning** Joining and actively involving your self in professional associations, locally, regionally and internationally. (CAHE, IFHE)
Responsibilities: Maintain associations which advance the goals of the profession Promote the well being of the profession’s members Develop standards for themselves and their institutions – Best Practices Publish information and research to explain the profession’s uniqueness Make sacrifices…..
Focus Home Economics professionals are: advocates for individuals, families and communities concerned with the empowerment and well being of individuals, families and communities concerned with facilitating the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid, unpaid and voluntary work and living situations. IFHE Position Statement
CAHE’s Mission Statement ‘to improve the standard of living for individuals, families and communities…
Sustainability of Home Economics Foundation must be solid Future directions must be carefully charted ‘Future proofing’ is necessary for our focus in the decade ahead. Build and enrich Communities of Practice (CoPs) Seek collective empowerment….
Future proofing defined: anticipating future developments to minimize negative impacts and optimize opportunities an elusive process of trying to anticipate future developments so that action can be taken to minimize possible negative consequences and to seize opportunities.
Future proofing the profession Being able to have a continuous future in not just academia but also in the everyday lives of individuals, families, communities and societies. Creating a future for the profession with a repertoire of strategies to adapt, grow and lead the home economics profession into an increasingly sophisticated and globalised future.
Are you a professional? A professional looks, speaks and dresses like a professional. An amateur is sloppy in appearance and speech. A professional completes projects as soon as possible. An amateur is surrounded by unfinished work piled on top of unfinished work. A professional uses high emotional tones: enthusiasm, cheerfulness, interest, contentment. An amateur uses lower emotional tones: anger, hostility, resentment, fear, victim. Anything you do, do it as a Professional to Professional standards. Develop the frame of mind that whatever you do, you are doing it as a professional and move up to professional standards in it. Source: