Career Ladder Student Achievement Plan
Summary of Changes Participants will be required to use the SAP Data Chart to present both formative and summative (pre-post) data. (For writing plans, use the SAP Data Chart for Writing.)SAP Data Chart SAP Data Chart for Writing.) Those forms are also on the district website. Participants may use the same pre/post assessment as last year. However, your formative assessments should be new. Participants may use benchmark tests for the pre and post assessment. For those areas that have quarterly tests, such as reading, use the benchmark test that aligns with the goal chosen. For example, if you chose a Q2 goal, then pre/post assess with the Q2 benchmark. Your goals should come mainly from Q2 or Q3.
Benefits of the plan –Paperwork reduced –Redundancy eliminated –Focus sharpened on assessment and learning –Conversations initiated between colleagues
The format for SAP The plan is not formally written. Once again, the majority of the content from the previously written plan will now be verbally communicated during pre and post conferences with your specialist. Keep everything listed below organized and at your fingertips. PrePost Cover SheetCareer Ladder self-reflection 1 Summative Assessment & Scoring Criteria 1 Summative Assessment & Scoring Criteria 2 Formative Assessments Completed Peer Review ChecklistPre and Post Assessment Data All student work on summative and formative assessments Written Requirements
Where do I start? Goal Selection —Teacher chooses a goal, based upon performance objectives from Quarter 2 or 3. Some PO’s may come from Quarter 1 or 4, but the majority must be from Quarter 2 or 3. Summative Assessment –Teacher develops/chooses a summative (pre/post) assessment that assesses student mastery of that goal. Formative Assessment –Teacher develops 2 formative assessments that provide data about student progress toward that goal.
A note about the goal… Your goal should cover an instructional period longer than “a unit.” The instructional period should be at least 15 weeks for Quarter 2/Semester I plan option and 22 weeks for the 3 quarter plan option. If you have any questions about the breadth of your goals, please contact your specialist.
Peer Review/Checklist A teacher-peer colleague reviews the assessments with checklist to determine if assessments are aligned with goals. Why does a peer need to review the summative assessment? –During the pre-assessment conference, the summative assessment will be analyzed to make sure it truly assesses the cognitive levels at which the PO’s are written. Having the assessment reviewed (and refined) before the conference will increase the likelihood that the assessment will be approved.
Now what? your summative and formative assessments to your specialist by August 5 th. Set up a conference date—for Semester I plans, the conference needs to be completed by August 19 th. (Sept 2 for 3 quarter plans) Do this ASAP, as you do not give the pre- assessment to students until you have had this conference. Your specialist will give you feedback about the assessments at this conference and approve your plan. Upon approval, you implement your plan.
Successful Assessments Alignment –Each assessment question or prompt aligns with a PO, is appropriate in content and format, and is scored using standard criteria. Data about students –Both formative assessments need to provide the teacher and student with data on student progress toward mastery of the goal. Complexity –Questions need to assess students with more depth and complexity. Looking Forward –In the post-conference, the teacher will need to bring students’ completed formative and summative assessments and discuss their impact on instruction. Consider how the data was used to identify and meet student needs through differentiation, etc. Assessment Criteria remains the same as previous years (see handbook).
Successful Assessments Have four questions per PO for selected response Assess students in one class sitting Do not involve sending any part of the assessment home These are to be completed in the classroom only. Provide only directions; instruction is not given within the assessment Do not use only 1 st quarter objectives. The plan should contain objectives mainly from Quarters 2 or 3. Remember to use Strand 3 for Writing, and include Strand 1 for Science and include Integration or Mathematical Practices for Math.
Pre-Assessment Conference (Individual Plan) The teacher will need to bring the following paperwork to conference to review with the specialist: 1. Completed Cover Sheet 2. 1 copy of the summative assessment 3. 1 copy of the 2 formative assessments 4. Completed Peer Colleague review/checklist
Pre-Assessment Conference with Specialist During this conference, the Summative Assessment Instrument is reviewed, as well as the two Formative Assessments. The teacher discusses how the Summative assessment truly assesses the goal, is appropriate in content and format, and will be scored. In addition, two formative assessments need to be provided and discussed in the Pre- Assessment Conference. Peer Colleague review/checklist needs to be provided as well.
Conference Discussion, continued Level 3 teachers provide evidence of… –Opportunities for student self-reflection Level 4 participants provide evidence of… –Opportunities for student self-reflection AND evidence of high cognitive demand and/or complexity (e.g. higher level Bloom’s or DOK Levels 3 or 4) The evidence of self-reflection and higher levels must be a part of the summative assessment experience…both pre and post. Post Assessment Instrument should be same as Pre Assessment. A different prompt or reading passage is not considered a different assessment.
SAP Plan Approval Once the specialist approves these assessments, the plan itself is approved. The teacher administers pre-assessment to students and the “plan” is implemented. The specialist turns in the Cover Sheet and approval notes to the Career Ladder office. If the assessments/plan is not approved, the specialist will provide feedback and the teacher will be given an opportunity to revise the assessments within an agreed upon time frame.
Timeline The goal of the plan and assessments need to be written by August 5th. For Semester 1 plans, the Pre-Assessment Conference with the Specialist needs to be completed by Aug 19 th ; if plan is approved, begin implementation. (Sep 2 nd for 3 quarter plans) The Post-Assessment Plan needs to be complete, including pre/post data analysis, between Dec 16 th & 22 nd (2 nd quarter) or Apr 30 th & May 4 th (3 rd quarter). Be sure to use the SAP Data Chart (or the SAP Data Chart for Writing if your have a writing plan.)SAP Data Chart SAP Data Chart for Writing
Plan implementation Teacher implements plan, including use of formative assessments, analysis of formative results, and evidence of how these were used to inform instruction. For the Post-Assessment Conference, the teacher will need to bring student work on the summative AND these formatives to discuss how this data was used to identify and meet student needs through differentiation. The Post-Conference will occur by March 2 nd (2- quarter plans) or May 18 th (3-quarter plans). The Post-Conference will be combined with the current Career Ladder Self-Reflection Conference (in which you review and reflect on the evaluation instrument, etc)
Post-Assessment Conference The teacher will need to bring the following paperwork to conference to review with the specialist: –Career Ladder instructional performance self- reflection (your specialist will the template for this) –Summative Assessment & Scoring Criteria –2 Formatives Assessments –Pre and Post Assessment Data Analysis and reflection -- Participants will be required to use the SAP Data Chart to present both formative and summative (pre-post) data. (For writing plans, use the SAP Data Chart for Writing.) SAP Data Chart SAP Data Chart for Writing –All student work on the summative and formative assessments
Post-Assessment Conference Teacher brings student work on the formatives and discuss how this data was used to identify and meet student needs through differentiation. Teacher brings student work on summative assessment. Teacher discusses in some detail student growth, pre/post data, and effectiveness of plan.
To be clear… All students need to show growth. A student reaches mastery when he/she scores 75% or higher (or 3 out of 4, 4 out of 6 on a rubric). Each Career Ladder level has its own mastery requirements— –Level IV: 80% of students need to reach mastery –Level III: 66% of students need to reach mastery –Level II: 51% of students need to reach mastery
Post-Assessment Conference, continued Teachers /bring the Career Ladder specialist their Career Ladder instructional performance self-reflection as well, so that this conference is combined with the Post– Assessment Conference. Specialist summarizes plan during the conference. Estimate total time for conference minutes.
SAP We’ve just reviewed the Individual Option. There is a Team Option available. You only need to choose one option. Please note: Teachers going on leave must complete an individual plan.
Team Plan Option A team of teachers chooses a goal from Quarter 2, 3, or 4. The team completes a Cover Sheet. Min number for team: 2; Max number for team: 4 The team of teachers develop a summative (pre/post) assessment that assesses student mastery of that goal. The team teachers also develop 2 formative assessments that provide data about student progress toward that goal. No colleague review needed. Please note: teachers taking a leave must complete an individual plan.
What’s Next the teams’ formative and summative assessments to each teachers’ specialist by August 5 th. The team schedules a pre-assessment conference with the specialist(s), to be completed by August 19 th. The entire team meets at the same time with the specialist(s). No peer review of assessments is needed.
Team Plan continued By August 5 th, the team chooses the goal of the plan and the formative and summative assessments are written. By August 19 th : The team of teachers meets with specialist(s) to review the summative (pre/post) assessment that the team teachers plan to give, as well as two formative assessments. Please note: The entire team must meet together with the specialist(s) at the same time. If the team members are unable to find a time to meet together with the specialist, then the team plan is no longer an option for all the teachers. This is for the pre-conference only—the post is one-on-one.
Team Plan continued Once the specialist(s) approves these assessments, the pre-assessment is given and the “plan” is implemented. The specialist turns in copies of the Cover Sheet to the Career Ladder office. If the assessments/plan is not approved, the specialist will provide feedback and the team will be given an opportunity to revise the assessments within a time frame agreed upon.
Team Pre-Assessment Conference During this conference, the Summative Assessment Instrument is reviewed, as well as two Formative Assessments. The team of teachers discuss how the Summative assessment truly assesses the goal, is appropriate in content and format, and will be scored. In addition, two formative assessments need to be provided and discussed in the Pre- Assessment Conference.
Conference Discussion, continued Level 3 teachers provide evidence of… –Opportunities for student self-reflection Level 4 participants provide evidence of… –Opportunities for student self-reflection AND Evidence of high cognitive demand and/or complexity (e.g. higher level Bloom’s or DOK Levels 3 or 4) The evidence of self-reflection and higher levels must be a part of the summative assessment experience. Post Assessment Instrument should be same as Pre Assessment. A different prompt or reading passage is not considered a different assessment
Team Plan What if a team member doesn’t contribute equally to the assessment? –Choose wisely. Team members must hold each other accountable for the plan. What if a team member can’t pre-conference at the same time as the other members? –Choose wisely. Team members must meet together at the same time and place with the specialist for the pre-conference. (The post conferences are individual conferences.) Teachers taking a leave may not participate in a team plan.
Team Option and Co-Teaching Teachers who job share must have different goals and assessments from one another as they are working with the same group of students. Special Educators/Co-educators: These teachers may have the same goal and assessments ONLY IF each teacher chooses a different class for his/her plan. Both teachers cannot have the same plan for the same students.
Pre-Assessment Conference The team will need to bring the following paperwork to the conference to review with the Specialist(s): 1. Completed Cover Sheet 2. 1 copy of the summative assessment 3. 1 copy of the 2 formative assessments
Plan implementation Team teachers implement plan, including use of formative assessments, analysis of formative results, and evidence of how these were used to inform instruction. For the Post-Assessment Conference, each teacher will need to bring student work on the summative AND these formatives to discuss how this data was used to identify and meet student needs through differentiation. The Post- Assessment Conferences are individual ones.
Post-Assessment Conference Team teachers implement plan, including use of formative assessments, analysis of formative results, and evidence of how these were used to inform instruction. For the Post-Assessment Conference, each teacher will need to bring student work on the summative AND these formatives to discuss how this data was used to identify and meet student needs through differentiation. The Post- Assessment Conferences are individual ones. Be sure to use the SAP Data Chart (or the SAP Data Chart for Writing if your have a writing plan.)SAP Data Chart SAP Data Chart for Writing
Post-Assessment conference Teacher brings student work on the formatives and discuss how this data was used to identify and meet student needs through differentiation. Teacher brings student work on summative assessment. Teacher discusses student growth, pre/post data, and effectiveness of plan.
Post-Assessment conference, continued Teachers /bring the Career Ladder specialist their Career Ladder self- reflection as well, so that this conference is combined with the Post–Assessment Conference. Specialist summarizes plan during the conference. Estimate total time for conference: minutes.
Timeline of Team Plan Goal selected, assessments written, and ed to Specialist by August 5 th. Pre-Assessment conference to be finished by August 19 th, 2011 Plan Implementation Dates are 2 nd quarter or 3 rd quarter. Post-Assessment Conference to be finished by March 2 nd (2 nd quarter) or May 18 th (3 rd quarter). The Post-Assessment conferences are individual conferences, not team ones.
Anticipated Questions, continued How many questions does the summative assessment need? –4 per PO for selected response assessments Why do the pre-assessment and the post- assessment need to be the same? –For reliability. The prompt or reading passage could be different, however. Do I still have to create my own teacher- made assessment (Level IV) ? –No
Writing You may use the Writing Diagnostic prompts as your summative assessment, using a different prompt for the post-assessment. If you choose a Writing goal, your concept and POs should come from Strand 3 of the district Writing Standards. If your assessment involves evaluating students' writing composition, you must use three traits from the 6+1 Writing Traits Rubric: 6+1 Writing Traits Rubric 1. Conventions 2. Ideas/Content or Organization 3. Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Voice, or Format See also: The Beginning Writers Continuum for Primary Students - (Primary Writing Rubric) The Beginning Writers Continuum for Primary Students - (Primary Writing Rubric)
The Writing Diagnostic prompts and benchmarks are found in AMI. Login to AMI On the far left, click on AMI Help The benchmarks are located there, as are the Writing Diagnostic prompts.
Math If you choose a Math goal, the process integration (Strand 5) must be included. Example from the 4th grade blueprint, 2nd quarter: Goal: Strand 1, Concept 1, PO1 Express whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents using connected multiple representations. Process Integration: Strand 5, Concept 2, PO5 Represent a problem situation using any combination of words, numbers, physical objects, or symbols.
Anticipated Questions, continued What are the parameters for giving the summative assessment? –It must be given in one class meeting. It cannot be taken home by students. –Students should complete the assessment individually. If you are assessing writing, for example, it would not be appropriate to have a whole class brainstorming session on the prompt to generate ideas.
Anticipated Questions, continued Can I use an assessment that I have used before? Even on a previous plan? –Yes, as long as it matches the goal(s). However, your formative assessments should be new. –Next year you will have to use a different summative assessment. Can I use the same goal(s) as last year? –Yes
Anticipated Questions, continued My grade level team has 7 teachers. We would all like to do a Team Plan. But the maximum is 4 members… –You could have one team of 3 and one team of 4. Both teams would all like to use the same goal and assessment. –Okay.
More Questions Assessments that are in hard copy form only…how do I these? –If your site has a scanner, simply scan it in. If not, use your document camera to take a picture of the assessment. Then that to your specialist. I’m going to be on leave part of the year, can I do a team plan? –No, you must do an individual plan with commensurate instructional time.
Other It is the responsibility of each Career Ladder teacher to read the Handbook. Please do.