ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands 27 Oct 2009 SERVICE ARCHITECTURE FOR SPACE -- BOF 1.


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Presentation transcript:

ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands 27 Oct 2009 SERVICE ARCHITECTURE FOR SPACE -- BOF 1

INTRODUCTION Erik Barkley (5 Min) 2

PROPOSED BOF Agenda Draft Agenda, Service Architecture for Space BOF, 27 October 2009 IDTopicLeadTime (min)Planning Comments 1IntroductionE. Barkley5Review BOF Agenda. 2Why this BOF?A. Hooke15 Motiviations for this BOF; programmatic considerations; What is the problem that we are to solve with this BOF/new WG? 3 MOIMS Area Inputs N. Peccia20 Scope of relevant WGs; Brief description of recommenations currently in progress; status of recommendations; What should new WG achieve from Area perspective? 4SE Area InputsP. Shames20 Scope of relevant WGs; Brief description of recommenations currently in progress; status of recommendations; What should new WG achieve from Area perspective? 5CSS Area InputsE. Barkley20 Scope of relevant WGs; Brief description of recommenations currently in progress; status of recommendations; What should new WG achieve from Area perspective? 6Overlap AnalysisP. Shames25CCSDS Reccomendations overlap analysis. Break 10(Because we will need it) 7 Potential WG Scope Discussion E. Barkley40 Based on WG surveys, analyses, etc what fits within the proposed new WG? What are its goals? E.g., A CCSDS service "map" ? Clear distinction between service layers, protocol layers? Develop precise lexicon/terminology definitions? Information Model ? Definition of acrhitecture framework & components? 8 Domain Knowledge Dicussion TBD20 Identification of key domain knowledge needed in composition of new WG (for input to CMC) 9 WG Formation Discussion E. Barkley40 From a technical perspective, based on proposed SOA scope, are some WGs dissolved? Which WG's have charters modified? What has to occur to close WGs that are folded into the new WG? 10ConclusionE. Barkley20 Considerations of next steps, e.g., drafting SOA for Space Charter, review of action items generated, etc. (Reserve Time) 5 3

Agenda Adjustments (If Any) 4

Suggested Ground Rules For input presentations, hold questions until end of presentation Presenters – allow 3 – 5 minutes for end of presentation Attempt to quickly determine need for an action item vs lengthy discussion (time budget) For discussions, generally suggest that action items be considered if no apparent resolution in a timely manner I will attempt to keep an eye on the clock, but I am only the junior AD, so I need your help 5

WHY THIS BOF? Adrian Hooke (15 Min) 6

MOIMS AREA INPUTS Nestor Peccia (20 Min) 7

SE AREA INPUTS Peter Shames (20 Min) 8

CSS AREA INPUTS Erik Barkley (20 Min) 9

CSS AD -- Potential First Goal/Step The Spacecraft Onboard Interfaces Services Area shall define the onboard data handling interface between a payload or subsystem and its carrier spacecraft. The Space Link Services Area shall define the data handling interfaces between two free-flying spacecraft and between a free- flying spacecraft and a ground support network. The Cross Support Services Area shall define the data handling interface between a ground support network and a ground user facility. The Mission Operations and Information Management Services Area shall define the mission control application protocols that traverse the logical (end-to-end) interface between a user facility and a payload or subsystem in space, and between two ground user facilities. The Space Internetworking Services Area supports the Mission Operations and Information Management Services Area and shall define the end-to-end data communications protocols that traverse interface between a user facility and a payload or subsystem in space. The Systems Engineering Area supports each of the other five Areas and shall define the common services (e.g., data security) that pervade the whole space system. (Extracted from Draft Strategic Operating Plan, CCSDS A01.1-Y-1.1, September 2006) + = ? (Extracted from Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture 1.0, OASIS Standard, October 2006) Some common understanding between CCSDS Areas re some accepted general industry-wide understanding of what a “service” definition contains or “talks” about ? 10

CSS WG Survey CSTS Scope SM Scope CSA Scope Cross Support Architecture Contents: RASDS Views, Service Attributes Status: WB Prototypes: N/A Service Catalog Contents: Service Catalog Templates, XML Schema Status: WB Prototypes: Expression of Representative Agency Catalog(s) Service Agreement Contents: “Hi-Level” Service Agreement Templates, XML Schema Prototypes: Expression of Representative Mission Service Agreement(s) Contents: Document Exchange, “Lo-Level” Service Agreements, Service Configuration, Trajectory Predictions, Service Packages Status: BB Prototypes: ESA/JAXA/NASA Service Management Contents: Overview of SM; Use Cases of SM Status: Advanced WB Concept Contents: Overview of framework, operations, procedures Status: WB Prototypes: N/A Framework Contents: Core Operations and Procedures Status: ~R-1 Prototypes: NASA/ESA Guidelines Contents: Construction of new services re Framework Status: ~R-1 Prototypes: N/A Monitored Data Contents: CSTS Monitor Data Delivery Status: ~R-1 Prototypes: TBS Tracking Data Contents: Streaming TDMs Status: ~R-1 Prototypes: TBS SLE Reference Model SLE Recommendations 11

(Preliminary) CSS Area Goal for new WG Clear understanding of service (inter-area) service inter-relationships a CCSDS-wide model or service “map” [CCSDS Reference Model] Clear understanding of accepted CCSDS-wide “enterprise model” What are the parties/actors involved ? [CCSDS Reference Model] What do CCSDS recommended service standards contain? PDUs, State Tables, Behavioral Requirements, Information Exchange Protocol(s) ? [Guidelines, Normative Templates?] Common terminology/lexicon across CCSDS Where is the CCSDS acronym list? Where is the overall CCSDS information model ? [Information Model] When services are defined, what is expected in terms of cross support definitions? E.g, definition of PDUs What are the parameters of the service that need management, and how much? [Guidelines, Normative Templates?] What is the relationship of this architecture to the CSA architecture Is one more oriented to the overall picture (CSA)? Is one more oriented to the IT (Information Technology) aspects of cross support (Service Architecture for Space) [CCSDS Reference Model] 12

Information Model Example 13





WG FORMATION (DISCUSSION) Erik Barkley (40 Min) 18

CONCLUSION (DISCUSSION) Erik Barkley (20 Min) 19