© Stephen Arnold, May 2001 Postal Box Box 320, Harrods Creek, KY Content Management Stephen Arnold InfoToday 2001 New York May 2001 ARNOLD Information Technology
Why is Content Important? Types of Content: Increasingly Complex Textual information about products, people Facts Numeric information Rich media “objects” -- audio, video in two flavors: archived and streaming Records of collaboration sessions -- P2P information Metadata — information about information
Forces: From many organizational areas
Awareness expanding: upwards (management), downwards, and outwards New users want rich media, caching exploding Solutions, not separate programs Integration with existing ERP applications Intense price competition, conflicting claims XML -- mandatory technology Wireless, pervasive access Checklist of CM Drivers
What’s Content Management? New buzz word Umbrella covering multiple functions Work flow package
Activities: 3 Core Functions
Complex Structure : Interwoven’s Architecture
CM Orienting Facts Costs range from low $500 (Ekton) to more than $1,000,000 plus (Vignette); less using Microsoft “dot Net” tools Time to set up ranges from 15 days to six months or more Staff must use tools; otherwise, CM system fails No silver bullet – a complex tool to manage sites with dynamic content and multiple users
Permissions -- who can change what when Merge old and new content -- version control Handle Word, PDF, and databased information “Help,” documentation, customer support “Fill in the blank” templates and other visual controls Workflow controls for different departments and content Metatags / metadata What to Look For
The Three Key Toolsets: 9 major components Content Related Tools WYSIWIG Editor Database Document Management Enhanced Function Tools Personalization Tools Site Manipulation Search Engine Administrative tools Manage files (“plumbing”) Usage Tracking Security Services
Players in Content Management: List at AlphaServe Aspect Brio Broadvision Business objects Chrystal Corechange CoVia (Glyphica) Eloquent Engenia Enigma Epicentric Hummingbird Hyperwave InfoImage Intraspect KnowledgeTrack Microsoft nCompass NEC OpenText Oracle Plumtree SageMaker Semio Sequoia Sterling (SBC) / Vignette Thoughtstar TopTier 2Bridge Vignette Webridge Yahoo
Content Strategy — A Must Have Database and XML (XHTML) friendly Reduce risk with audit trail (work flow) Reduce costs of site management and maintenance Greater flexibility in handling rich, multi- media content
Arnold Information Technology Founded in 1991, staff of eight full-time consultants and more than 25 part-time consultants Provides technology assessment and information engineering services Recent projects: One of the founders of the Point Internet service (“Top 5% of the ‘Net), sold to Lycos in 1995 Architecture for ARNOLD Information Technology
Online yellow pages strategy for a Regional Bell Operating Company (service now deployed) Electronic publishing work flow and system engineering for a major technical publishing firm Market research about interactive services among leading scientists and engineers. Business and technical market studies. Contact: Stephen Arnold , voice , facsimile Arnold Information Technology ARNOLD Information Technology