Getting insights & deeper knowledge CIVIL SOCIETY in the European Union Christiana Weidel The World of NGOs, Austria
Governments, administration, parliament, justice, political parties Profit oriented private economy, companies, from SMEs to multi- national enterprises Associations, NGOs, NPOs, interest groups, self help groups, co- operatives, mutuals, foundations, churches 1st Sector: State 2nd Sector: Market 3rd Sector: Civil Society How is society organised?
Understanding CIVIL SOCIETY Civil= non-military population = concerned with affairs of public interest = civilised (so what about Greenpeace?) Civil Society: The private sphere of interest between state & market Organised Civil Society: Organisations with a legal basis, representing citizen groups Civil Dialogue: Structured communication with CS, following practice of Social Dialogue 3
Policy fields for Civil Society in the EU Environ- ment Human rights Culture Health and consumer policies Education & Science Humani- tarian relief Develop- ment aid Others Economy & Finance Social policy 4
Characteristics of CSOs 1.Organisation with not-for-profit orientation 2.Self governing system, statutes & tools 3.Focusing on common good 4.Independence from State and Market 5.Some elements of volunteering 6.International component 7.Ambitions beyond individual benefit 5
Develop your organisation Mastery of management Management by agreed objectives (P. Drucker) Follow defined strategies Keep financial records Mastery of independence Have a mixed financing for activities Establish resources for own-funding Develop further (in) networks Mastery of communication 6
Develop your network Networking theory Social Science Prof. Renate Mayntz, Germany Networks are made of personal relations = not an anonymous market Independent knots with informal relation = not formally constituted by rules Voluntarily tied, autonomous knots, acting as social unities, capable of acting on their own Laterally tied = without structural hierarchy 7
“Issue networks rule the world today!“ Issue networks Interest driven, not by organisational structures Not all knots are connected directly Only in solidarity based groups all knots are connected Don‘t automatically expect solidarity in a network Not all knots have equal power The strength lies in the difference of resources! Practice to discuss and agree Network leaders have to mediate and co-ordinate 8
Success factors for collaboration September 2015 Partnership = collaboration at all stages Planning, implementation, evaluation, celebration Equality Respect differences in aims, tasks, roles Benefit See the strengths of “the others” Look at the whole picture 9
Evaluation technique Enhance your performance by rating it: 1.What have we done? 2.How did we perform? Chaos Perfection 3.What will we do better next time? 10
Practical exercises Manifest your identity! What is your core strength? Master your network! What resources do you have and whom do you know? Master your communication! Listen to our next speaker… 11
Final discussion Working on problems… …finding solutions Develop your organisation, be part of networks, build on your dreams! 12