GREEN CHANGE PROJECT Jane and Finch on the journey to Green Change… because it makes sense!
VISION? The Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre is a community based organization driven by passion, innovation and a strong commitment to social justice, community engagement and collaboration.
GOALS The Centres goals are grounded on two main themes: Organizational Health and Community Engagement, Participation and Response.
SERVICES –Early Years Centre - children and their families 0-6 years old –Community Programs - Community Development, Capacity Building, Mental Health and Settlement Services –The Spot Where You(th) Wanna Be - a drop-in centre for "at-risk" youth –Community Office - information and referral services and other administrative services to community residents.
WHY GREEN CHANGE? The Green Change Project was developed out of a need identified in the community related to issues of poverty, social justice and the environment.
RATIONALE Although Green has never been so popular, many residents in this neighbourhood, struggle with larger issues of personal safety and poverty. However, it is proven that low-income households are usually the most negatively affected in terms of health, safety and poverty by improper and ineffective use of our natural resources.
POVERTY BY POSTAL CODE In Toronto, York West has: The highest immigrant population (61,575). The highest level of residents with no knowledge of English or French (8%) The largest number of lone parent families (7,125) The largest population with less than a grade 9 education (17,135) The largest unemployed population (7,610) These are some of the statistics that served to classify Jane and Finch as one of the City of Torontos thirteen priority neighbourhoods.
GOAL FOR GREEN CHANGE The first year goal for the Green Change project is to engage community residents in conversations about the environment and related social justice issues in a non threatening and accessible way.
STRATEGIC PLAN We recognize the need for a three to five year strategic plan to build a green organization and a green community strategy in partnership with key community agencies and residents. This project serves as the beginning stages to develop such a plan.
YEAR ONE PRIORITY The Green Change project is a one year initiative that will sensitize our staff, other members from other partnering agencies and community members in building capacity in reducing waste, conserving energy and making other simple life changes that can save money.
YEAR TWO AND THREE PRIORITY Establish a Centre for Green Change that will develop the interest and capacity of community residents and youth to be positioned to successfully integrate the green economy.
APPROACH We are using a community capacity building, social justice and anti- oppression approach to engage residents and to engage community members in this process.
JOB CREATION VISION Establishment of a building trades workers co-op in the Jane Finch community that will be positioned by their third year of operation to bid competitively for major green building and retrofit contracts with the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing or other property management companies. This new community asset will provide employment in Jane and Finch and help to revitalise the area.
SUCCESS INDICATORS Supportive infrastructure for participants and members with access to space, services, training, technology support and equipment The commitment of residents and youth to participate fully and invest their sweat equity during the business planning and start-up phases of the workers co-op Management support from the Jane/Finch Centre that develops and orchestrates business, marketing and management resources and relationships tailored to the needs of the workers co-op
SUCCESS INDICATORS CONT. Selection of co-op members and an acceleration process by which the workers co-op become more independent and progress to self- sufficiency Assistance in obtaining the financing necessary for business growth Mentorship of participants by experienced trades professionals