Chapter 12 Manifest Destiny
Sec. 1 Oregon Country Present day Oregon, Wash, Idaho, parts of Montana and Wyoming Adams Onis Treaty –Spanish No longer claimed Oregon Terr. England only competitor Mountain men lived in territory South pass found, main route to OT
Settling Oregon Whitman Mission- among first settlers, were killed b/c they brought disease Oregon Trail 2,000 mile journey traveled by thousands Gathered at Independence Missouri, followed the Oregon Trail
Manifest Destiny It is inevitable that the US spread to the Pacific Ocean John O’Sullivan coined the phrase “manifest destiny” Overspread and possess the whole of the continent James Polk won election b/c he supported manifest destiny 1844
Map Label and color - Rocky Mountains, Missouri River Mississippi River, Pacific Ocean, Texas(1845) and New Mexico Territories (pg. 372 includes present day states NM, AZ, CO, UT, NV, CA) Louisiana Territory and place date of acquisition, Oregon Territory (p. 361)
Sec. 2 Texas’ Independence Conflict began in 1803, Americans claimed land in the Louis. Purchase contained Texas –Mexico said NO! –Texas is a product of Manifest Destiny 1845 Texas annexed into US
Sec. 3 War with Mexico New Mexico Territory Santa Fe Trail – Becknell – as trade increased with the people in New Mexico, Americans began to settle there Americans were also interested in California
War with Mexico Pres. Polk determined to get Calif. Mexico refused to sell territory So we provoked Mexico Disputed over the Texas/Mexico border Sent troops into Mexico- General Zach Taylor Many believed if US spread to west, so would slavery
California and the Bear Flag Republic Americans proclaimed the independent BFR Unaware of the fighting between US and Mexico Capture of Mexico City 1847 war is over Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 Mexico gave up all claims to TX, Rio Grande southern border Ceded the New Mexico territory/California 15 millionUS gave Mexico 15 million 10 million1853 Gadsden purchase 10 million to Mexico
Sec. 4 New Settlers in California and Utah California Gold RushCalifornia Gold Rush 1849 brought thousands to the territory Boomtowns popped up everywhere Cities grew Had no laws, vigilantes took over
Statehood California applied for statehood in 1850 It opposed slavery, caused problem in Congress Solved with Compromise of 1850
Utah Joseph Smith - founder of Mormons Persecuted so Mormons moved Smith killed, Brigham Young took over Led members to Great Salt Lake
Map Instructions Color and Label the following 13 Colonies 1776 Treaty of Paris 1783 Florida 1819 Louisiana Purchase 1803 Oregon Territory 1846 Texas 1845 Mexican Cession-New Mexico Terr Gadsden Purchase 1853 Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains, Cascade Mts, Sierra Nevada Mississippi River, Ohio River