Expansion in Texas The Fight for Texas and the Aftermath.


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Presentation transcript:

Expansion in Texas The Fight for Texas and the Aftermath

Spain and the Mission System Although Texas was Spanish territory, it was only used under the mission system to convert the local Native Americans to Catholicism. Once Mexico won its independence from Spain, the mission system declined in the early 19 th century. Mexicans gave away the land to government officials and ranchers. The Native Americans used this opportunity to flee from under the mission system and revert to their traditional ways, but when forced into labor camps by the Mexican’s, groups of Apache and Comanche retaliated. Native Americans stole livestock from these ranches in Texas, which supported American and Mexican (or Tejanos) settlers.

Mexican Independence After gaining their independence, Mexico looked towards the U.S. for trade opportunities. The Tejano longhorn cattle were profitable and in demand. The northern provinces of Mexico found trade with the U.S. to be more attractive than trade with central Mexico, and their ties began to loosen with the central provinces. These provinces included present-day New Mexico, California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Mexico struggled to control such a vast area of land, especially since Mexico City (capital) was so far from the northern provinces and seemed indifferent to their issues. Comanche and Apache attacks forced the Mexican government to try and strengthen their hold on these northern provinces by finding a solution.

Mexico in the Early 19 th Century

Mexico Invites the U.S. The Mexican government turned towards American settlers in an effort to stop border violations from horse thieves and protect from Native American attacks. In 1821, 1823 and 1824, Mexico offered huge land grants to empresarios (land agents) who sold the land for a cheap price to eager settlers from the U.S. Settlers need only obey the Mexican laws and practice Roman Catholicism to reside in Texas. Fueled by the ideals of Manifest Destiny, Americans rushed to claim land and soon outnumbered the Tejano residents. These settlers lived as naturalized Mexican cities up until the 1830’s. Stephen F. Austin was the most successful empresario and gave out 297 land grants. His efforts pushed America to view this land as potential expansion areas for the U.S.

Land Grants in Texas

Texas Fights for Independence As America pressured Mexico to sell the Texas territory, the Mexican government began to regret their choice of bringing in U.S. settlers. American settlers also chaffed against the Mexican laws and religion, and many also brought slaves with them (Mexico had abolished slavery in 1824). Mexico decided to close its borders in 1830, as well as levying a heavy tax on American imports, but it lacked the sufficient numbers to enforce the borders. Between 1830 and 1834, the Anglo population doubled By 1835, the numbers of inhabitants were 3,500 Tejanos, 12,000 Native Americans, 45,000 Anglos, and 5,000 African Americans. President Santa Anna took measures against the Americans that would start a revolution.

Santa Anna & The Texas Revolution When Austin went to Santa Anna to discuss greater self-governing of the Texas province, he was imprisoned for inciting revolution and the Mexican Constitution was suspended by Santa Anna. The revoking of local powers in Texas and other provinces led to several small rebellions erupting, and this would become known as the Texas Revolution. Santa Anna then marched to San Antonio with 4,000 troops where they clashed at the Alamo with the American troops who had taken the old mission previously. All 187 Americans were killed, and these included the famed Jim Bowie (known for his large custom knives) and Davy Crockett (and his coon skin cap). Santa Anna then went on to execute 300 rebels at Goliad, but this would prove to be a costly mistake.

The Alamo

Santa Anna’s Battles

“Remember the Alamo!” Sam Houston led troops at San Jacinto in 1836 and killed 630 of Santa Anna’s men in 18 minutes, and captured Santa Anna. They cried out, “Remember the Alamo!” The Treaty of Velasco granted independence to Texas and Houston became the president of the Republic of Texas. Texas was known as the “Lone Star Republic,” and set up an army and navy immediately.

Texas Joins the Union The Texas Revolution was likened to the American Revolution with Britain. Much like the early Americans, the Texans drafted a constitution based on the United States and invited the U.S. to annex them in Sectional issues rose over the idea of Texas becoming a slave state, but James K. Polk became president and ushered in the 28 th state on Dec. 29, As part of Manifest Destiny, the idea of expansion was attractive to America, but this would have repercussions in the coming years as Mexico fought to retaliate for the American aggressions to come.

Reminders HW: SpNotes 9.4 Leave the room better than you found it, and have a great weekend!