January 29, 2015 Rick Leuschner- Chemistry Teacher
Students are required to pass 3 science credits to graduate. Students must take Biology (only required course) and 2 other electives. Our Department believes that each student should take a course in Biology, Chemistry and Physics before leaving Central Dauphin. Students taking and passing 6 or more science courses will receive Science Merit Awards at Senior Awards Night.
Science TrackNon-Science Track This track is recommended for all students planning on college programs in science, medicine, or engineering. This track is recommended for all students planning on college programs NOT in science, medicine or engineering.
Central Dauphin Website: Select: Academics Select: Science Department Select: Welcome Select: Course Selection Chart
Earth Systems Science Biology I (required) Honors Biology Biology II AP Biology Human Influences on the Environment Chemistry Honors Chemistry Organic Chemistry AP Chemistry Science Physics AP Physics 1 AP Physics 2
Earth Systems Science Biology II AP Biology Human Influences on the Environment Chemistry Honors Chemistry Organic Chemistry AP Chemistry Physics AP Physics 1 AP Physics 2
If you are taking Biology, then you have 2 options: ◦ Chemistry ◦ Any elective* to satisfy your requirements provided you have met any prerequisites. If you are taking Chemistry, then you may take any elective* to satisfy your requirements provided you have met any prerequisites. If you are taking Honors Chemistry, then you may take any elective* to satisfy your requirements. provided you have met the prerequisites. *see 11 electives on previous slide
If you are majoring in science, medicine, or engineering, then you should be taking 4 or more science courses. Students should “double-up” and take 2 courses in the same year. Examples include: ◦ Physics and Organic Chemistry ◦ Physics and AP Chemistry ◦ AP Biology and Organic Chemistry ◦ Biology II and Organic Chemistry ◦ AP Biology and AP Chemistry *see 11 electives on previous slide
Earth Systems Science Biology II AP Biology Human Influences on the Environment Chemistry Honors Chemistry Organic Chemistry AP Chemistry Physics AP Physics 1 AP Physics 2
Central Dauphin Website at: Select: Academics Select: Science Department
Scientific Literacy Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Independent/Collaborative Work Self-Responsible Behavior Communication Skills Laboratory Skills
Students must be… ◦ Self-Motivated ◦ Self-Focused ◦ Mathematically Adept ◦ Problem Solving Focused
Students must have good… ◦ Study Skills ◦ Verbal Skills ◦ Writing Skills ◦ Lab Skills ◦ Research Skills
AP Courses are challenging and require extensive work outside of class. AP Courses require self-study to be successful.
AP Courses require comprehension of material and focus on the student’s ability to apply content to new situations.
AP Courses emphasize mastery of material and focus on the student’s ability to connect multi-content areas.
Friends of the Swamp Pennsylvania Science and Engineering Fair Pennsylvania Jr. Academy of Science Science Olympiad Envirothon
Central Dauphin Website at: Select: Academics Select: Science Department