Using Feedback Feedback: Awareness of what you do and don’t know
Success Autobiographies Your instructor returns to you an exam with five problems marked wrong. What do you do with this feedback? Write out your response to be turned in.
Learning 2 minute paper: o Think about at least one specific skill you have mastery of now and remember learning. Examples: o How to make a jump shot o How to play an instrument o How to parallel park o How to paint o How to make something using computer software o Summarize the process of learning briefly: Were you an expert from the start? Did you have any problems learning how to do it right? How did you know when you had mastered the skill?
How Feedback Helps Your Learn Don’t just review material over and over and then hope to remember it during a quiz or test. What are some specific ways you can take time during reading and studying to check on whether or not you are really learning and understanding? Think of activities that o Require you to practice recall--to actually pull content from your memory. o Provide you with feedback (awareness of what you know and don’t know).
How to get self-feedback: 1.You can quiz yourself. (flash cards or mock tests) 2.You can have someone else quiz you. 3.You can explain the concept/how to do the problem to someone else from memory. 4.You can paraphrase/recite the content/procedure aloud from memory. 5.You can write out summaries of chapters, concepts, theories, problems, processes, etc., from memory. 6.You can develop and be able to explain a new example of the idea/solve a new problem.
Self-Feedback 1.List all the things you did to prepare for the most recent test you took. 2.How did doing or not doing those things affect your score on the test? 3.What would you change—or keep—as a preparation strategy?
Self-Feedback Read the handout and then rate your understanding of it on a scale of 1-5, 5 being a deep lasting understanding of what you read.handout How did you assess your own understanding? If it was a 4 or less, how could you improve? My turn to assess your understanding!
Instructor Feedback What kinds of instructor feedback do you get? What do you do with it?
Instructor Feedback 1. Content errors a. not knowing a concept/procedure b. misunderstanding a concept/procedure c. not remembering something you had learned d. studying the wrong material e. errors applying a concept/following a procedure f. sign errors 2. Test procedure errors a. misreading/not reading directions/not following directions b. taking too long on a question c. changing answers d. rushing e. misreading a problem f. sign errors
How to shoot a jump shot:
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