Proper Keyboarding Techniques Adapted from presentation by: Nadine Bunnell, Keyboarding Specialist Used with permission. Utah State Office of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, Applied Technology
Posture & Position at the Keyboard Eyes level with the text on the monitor
Shoulders down, arms relaxed Elbows level with the keyboard Feet and lower back supported Posture & Position at the Keyboard
Fingers curved Posture & Position at the Keyboard
Wrists off the keyboard
Keyboarding Posture Rules Keep feet flat on the floor, shoulder length apart. Keep feet flat on the floor, shoulder length apart. Keep knees bent at 90 degree angle. Keep knees bent at 90 degree angle. The distance between your and keyboard should be no more than a hand span. The distance between your and keyboard should be no more than a hand span. Wrist should be even or a little higher than keyboard. Wrist should be even or a little higher than keyboard. Keep fingers curved in typing position. Keep fingers curved in typing position. Left hand home row is asdf, thumb on space bar. Left hand home row is asdf, thumb on space bar. Right hand home row is jkl;, thumb on spacebar. Right hand home row is jkl;, thumb on spacebar. Eyes should be on what your typing, not your hands. Eyes should be on what your typing, not your hands.