Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Project MAX Maximizing Access and Learning: PA Core Standards Webinar for Cohort Two IUs October 3, 2013

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education MAXimizing Access and Learning: Pennsylvania Core Standards Purpose: Increase the capacity of Pennsylvania schools to provide all students, including those with complex instructional needs, with maximum access and learning of the general education curriculum and the PA Core Standards 2

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Scaling Up Process 3

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Project MAX Practice Profile 6 Areas of Practice Leadership Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Least Restrictive Environment Individualized Student Supports Family and Community Involvement Collaboration and Problem Solving 4

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Building Capacity: Regional Teams Use of the Cascading Model for capacity building

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Multi-Year Implementation Process 6

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Multi-Year Implementation Process 7

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Selection Criteria PaTTAN will work with the IU to select LEAs for participation. Consider LEAs that: Have experience in implementing other school wide practices (e.g., PBIS, RTI) Have experience improving instruction for students with complex instructional needs (e.g., MPL, IU Pilot) Would be able to commit the project for a minimum of 3 years Have experience collecting and analyzing student level data (e.g., student improvement, achievement, LRE, etc.) Are interested in ensuring that all students have access to and learning of the PA Common Core PaTTAN will continue to provide awareness level trainings to build readiness in LEAs for participation in future years of the project.

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education LEA Team: K-12 Team LEA Leadership – General and Special Education Administrators – Principal(s) LEA Team – Internal Coach(es) – General and Special Education Teachers – Related Service Personnel – Parent 9

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education LEA Commitment Maximize access to the Pennsylvania Core for all students with complex instructional needs, regardless of educational placement Participate in the project for a minimum of three years. Engage required team members Identify at least one individual who will serve as the internal coach for the LEA Submission of baseline, ongoing and end of year data related to school, educators and students 10

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education LEA Commitment Recruit parents of students with disabilities to participate in the Project MAX training and to participate in the statewide network of parents. Commitment to complete a final review of the successes and challenges regarding the implementation of Project MAX including data related to student outcomes, student achievement, and student placement. 11

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education LEA Commitment: Professional Development Participation in the Summer Institute – August 4 – 7, 2014 in Hershey – Full team commitment and involvement Participation in two on-sites each month – a team meeting and a professional development meeting (at least 2 hours per onsite) – Full team commitment and involvement – Participation in follow-up activities Participation in the AT Expo in November

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education LEA Internal Coach: Role Works closely with IU TaC and PaTTAN to build capacity within LEA Leadership and Program Staff – Time to coach LEA team on effective standards aligned instruction – Time to provide professional development – Time to assist in the collection and analysis of data – Time to support planning, problem-solving, and monthly application activities – Non-evaluative 13

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Commitment: LEA Internal Coach Works closely with IU TaC and PaTTAN to build capacity within LEA team – Coach teachers on effective standards aligned instruction – Provide professional development – Assist in the collection and analysis of data – Support planning and problem-solving – Non-evaluative 14

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Commitment: LEA Internal Coach Time At least 3-4 days/month serving in this capacity. – 1-2 days/month – coaching the LEA teachers and staff – 1-2 days/month – receiving or providing professional development – 1-2 days/months – analyzing data to assist the team 15

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Stipends to LEAs Participating LEAs will receive funds to support collaborative team meetings, professional development, summer professional development, instructional resources and technology – Year One: $5,000 – Year Two: $5,000 16

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Evaluation Data Agree to submit baseline and end of year data Student level data – Communication Skills, ELA Skills, and Math Skills Educator level data – Educator Survey – MyiLOGS – Opportunity to Learn Measures amount of time standards are taught School and LEA level data 17

Office of Child Development & Early Learning Project MAX: Maximizing Access and Learning Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Ed.D., Acting Secretary of Education Data Collection REQUIRED DATA Team Level (LEA or IU) Completion and submission of Project MAX Implementation Plan Educational Services and Placement Data by Disability Educator Level Project MAX Educator Survey (Beginning and end of year) Student Level Project MAX Student Characteristics Survey completed for target students with complex instructional needs (beginning and end of year) 18