National Policy Dialogue in Ukraine on Integrated Water Resources Management First meeting of the Steering Group (Kiev, 25 April 2008) Nataliia Zakorchevna
Where do we stand: what is the issue? What are the climate change effects for Ukraine? Increased number of natural disasters, rise of floods in the Carpathians, turning of southern region steppes into deserts, inundation of coastal parts of seas (rise of the Black sea level makes 1,5 mm / year)and an acute shortage of drinking water in central and eastern regions of Ukraine.
Where we want to be: what are the needed solutions? in hydropower: reducing peak loads by means of heat and nuclear power plants; in navigation: carrying out dredging of navigable channel; in irrigation: reduceing unproductive water losses by improving the efficiency of irrigation channels and systems, as well as planting drought-resistant crops; in drinking water supply: extensive use of deep groundwater aquifers regarding possible increased deterioration of the quality of surface water; in fight against floods: rise in water content will not cause tangible difficulties in delivering bulk water by the Dniper cascade hydrosystem.
1.Drafting of National and regional water resources management plans considering the adaptation to climate change(State budget, grants). 2. Optimizing the existing water management system, primarily the Dnipro basin, increasing of actual output of water storage reservoirs; changing regulations for effluents from the water storage reservoirs (state budget). 3. Searching alternative ways of elimination of peak loads in energy power system with regards to possible drop in electricity power generated by Dneprovsky hydrostation cascade (state budget, private capital). Where we want to be: what are the needed solutions?
4. Developing of National Programme on coastal ptotection, which will include two main blocks: a)scientific grounds for the intensity of erosion in the coastal zone of the Black and Azov seas, and b)comprehensive plan on adaptation activities until 2050, which takes into account the most unfavorable sea level rise scenario. (state budget) 5. Developing of the irrigated agriculture considering the global climate change and water scarcity; optimizing technological schemes and irrigation regimes; upgrading of the irrigation technology; identifying new strategies for attracting investments into irrigation sector(private capital, state budget, grants).
How can we get there: practical actions and challenges Possible sources of funding: 1. State budget - in case the implementation of activities under the state programs contributes the climate change mitigation. 2. Loans for the construction of large objects (protective dams, treatment plants, irrigation systems, etc.) 3. State economic incentives (credit concessions, allocation of funds from emission quotas sale for adaptation measures, etc.)
How can we get there: practical actions and challenges Possible sources of funding: 4. Attracting private capital by means of the River Basin Councils,developing of extra-budgetary targeted funds aimed at implementation of adaptation tools which consider interests of all stakeholders. 5. Donor assistance for drafting National adaptation strategy, choosing modern technological and technical solutions, using other countries’ experience, training of experts from different fields of activity (decision- makers, representatives of industrial enterprises, farmers, scientists,NGO).
Thank you for attention!