Organism Habitat The proper name for a living thing is The place where a living thing lives is called Habitat
Can you name some habitats? Desert Grassland Rainforest Marine Polar Wetlands
The Desert Habitat
What Is A Desert? Deserts are areas of land that get little to no rainfall.
The desert is usually a region covered with sand or rock, rather than grass or green plants.
Who would live here?
A Desert Hairy Scorpion Desert Animals A Desert Tortoise A Horned Lizard A Desert Hairy Scorpion
Large Ringed Snake
Did you get all of these? gecko coyote
Who would live here?
Did you get all of these?
Who would live here?
Did you get all of these? orang-utan
Who would live here?
Did you get all of these? salmon otter
Who would live here?
Did you get all of these? Whale shark
Week 3
What is camouflage? How do animals use camouflage? Do all animals have camouflage?
when an animal hides itself against a back ground of the same colour. Animals use camouflage to blend in with their environment. Living things can use camouflage to help them hide from predators or prey
Are these animals camouflaged? Can you s
I am a leaf katydid. I am an insect that looks like a green leaf. I camouflage myself to look like the plants I live on.
Living things and Environment Starter Activity: Hands on Activity Cut out the pictures of birds and stick them with the correct description. Pg: 56 RB
The camel's hump contains fat (and NOT water) The camel's hump contains fat (and NOT water). The camel can go without food and water for 3 to 4 days. It is well adapted to desert life.
The white-looking coat camouflages them well in the snow and ice The white-looking coat camouflages them well in the snow and ice. Under the fur, Polar Bears have black skin. They also have a thick layer of fat (up to 4 inches thick) under the skin that helps keep them warm.
Giraffes live in African grasslands (savannas). It has very long tongue to help reach food and it is blue.
Seal lives in Ocean. On land, this seal moves by flopping on its belly.
Heron is a large wading bird with plumage and a long, sharp dull yellow bill or beak and pale brown long legs.
Ducks are common water birds. It has feathers all over the body and webbed feet.
Pair Work: Think-Pair-share strategy Who am I? Who am I? My wings are like flippers and help me swim • I have waterproof feathers • My body is a streamlined shape to help me swim through the water • I have black and white feathers so that predators cannot see me from above and below • My beak has special teeth to hold the fish that I catch for food. I have small spots to camouflage in savannah grasses • My long, slim legs help me run very fast • I have a small head which helps me to be streamlined for speed • My long tail helps me to change direction, when I am chasing my prey.
Assessment: 2. Why do some birds have webbed feet? 1. Choose the correct answer: a) Which of these animals is most likely to live in a pond? a) frog b) caterpillar c) ant b) Which of these is most likely to live in the woodland? a) squirrel b) camel c) penguin c)Which collection of animals will you most likely find in an Ocean? a) Zebras, lions and elephants b) Owls, caterpillars, oak trees c) Shark, whale, octopus 2. Why do some birds have webbed feet?
Assessment: Day 2
Keystone species - in spite of their potentially low biomass have a strong influence on the structure of the ecosystem where they were found. Any species that are important because if removed, a chain reaction would be triggered leading to the loss of many other species in the environment where the key species are found. Keystone Species in this example- Lemming – It represents the primary food source for both owl and fox and recent studies show they exert strong pressure on the primary producers as well.