By: Connor Chandler & Gracson Byrd
Location-Different locations around the world; mainly near plains Description- Hot and dry with very little water Soil type- Fine, grainy sand Precipitation- Ten inches or less of rain Temperature range ˚C Climate- Hot and dry
Plants- Cacti, Dragon Tree, Desert Spoon, Aloe, Yucca, etc… Animals- Dingo, Sand Fox, Lizards, Rats, Owls, Snake, Deer, Rabbits, Gila Monsters, Camels
Plants- Spikes, Shallow Roots, Water Storage Animals- Nocturnal, Size (Mostly small), Water Storage, Spikes, Speed
Biotic-The animals strongly rely on the plants for water and sometimes shade Abiotic- Animals burrow in the sand and hide under the pocks for protection from the shade; Plants require the sand for soil