Developing Country NGO Delegation How NGOs are really represented Sisonke Msimang OSISA
Structure of the delegation 4 Africa (Uganda, Zambia, Mali, South Africa) 2 CEE/CIS (Serbia + one gap to be filled) 2 Asia (India and China) 2 LAC (Bolivia and Mexico) 1 TB Expert 1 Malaria Expert Africa Networks represented: AFRICASO, ARASA, ZNAN
Terms of reference Outreach: Information and Consultation Lobbying and Advocacy (global) Participation in Board committees Participation in Board meetings
Board Delegation Leadership Board member: Mrs Mataka (Zambia) Alternate board member: Karlo Boras (Sisonke Msimang) (Serbia/South Africa) Communication Focal Point: Tidiane Tall (Mali)
Commitees Policy and Strategy Committee (Sisonke Msimang/Bobby John) Portfolio Committee (Karlo boras) FAC Ethics Partnership Forum (Bobby John)
Relationships with other delegations Communities affected by and living with the 3 diseases Developed countries NGO delegation Developing countries NGO delegation Recipient countries constituencies Donors Private foundations
How country actors can play a role 1st Step: GFATM Website 2nd Step: CCMs 3rd Step: Portfolio Manager 4th Step: National/Regional NGO Networks 5th Step: NGO Representatives on the board
Key Achievements Civil Society participation in CCMs Civil society role in impementation Dual Track financing CSS Health Systems Strengthening Gender Policy