Kingdom: Protista The most diverse of the 5 kingdoms Can be animal-like, plant-like or fungus-like. More than 200,000 species Classified by the different shapes, sizes & colors
Animal-Like Protists Known as protozoans Unicellular Heterotrophs Feed on other organisms Grouped by way they move.
Protozoans Move #1 Cilia: hair like particles.
Protozoans Move #2 Flagella: whip like tail
Protozoans Move #3 Pseudopodia: cytoplasm extensions
Protozoans Move #4 Non-motile have no way of capturing food so they live as parasites.
Amoeba: Phylum Sarcodia No cell walls Pseudopodia (cytoplasm feet): means for movement Engulfs bits of food Blob like-change shape constantly Amoeba outer cells are made of Calcium Carbonate Some amoebas live in salt water, Few are found in freshwater
Amoebas Foraminiferan Radiolarian
Flagellates: Phylum Zoomastigina Have 1 or more flagella Some species are parasites/ others helpful. ie: termites. ie: African Sleeping Sickness
African Sleeping Sickness Transmitted by tsetse fly (lives only in Africa) Fever, lethargy, mental deterioration, coma
Tsetse fly
Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas’ Disease Transmitted by “kissing bugs” –cone bugs Fever and severe heart damage
Leishmania donovani Transmitted by sand flies Disfiguring skin sores Can be fatal
Ciliates: Phylum Ciliophora Move by beating cilia Found in every kind of aquatic habitat Ponds, streams, oceans & sulfur Ex: Paramecium
Paramecium Parts
Sporozoans: Phylum Sporozoa Parasitic Non-motile Produce many spores Best known member:Plasmodium Causes malaria- transferred by mosquito’s
Malaria: Plasmodium Transferred by mosquitoes Kills 2-4 million people/yr. Treatments now
Life cycle
Plant-Like Protists Multi-cellular photosynthetic protist 1. Look like plants – no roots, stems/leaves 2. Contains chlorophyll 3. Classified by pigment colors
Algae classified by 6 phyla 3: euglenoids, diatoms, & dinoflagellates 3: unicellular members: Green, Red & Brown Algae
Euglenoids: Phylum Euglenophyta Unicellular Plant like: chlorophyll Animal like: responsive movement 1 or 2 flagella
Euglena Body Eye Spot detects enough light to find food Makes Green Whip-like tail
Diatoms: Phylum Bacillariophyta Shells: small pillbox w/ lids, made of silica Make up large number of plankton When die: sinks to ocean floor Dredge/Mine Toothpaste, paints Pavement lines
Dinoflagellates: Phylum Dinoflagellata Also called: Spinning Algae/Fire Algae Look like helmets & suits of armor Cause red tides: produce toxins Oceans turn red/orange Kills tons of fish
Red Tides
Red Algae: Phylum Rhodophyta Red seaweed Tropical waters along rocky coast Holdfast to attach Deep waters w/ lots of pigments
Brown Algae: Phylum Phaeophyta 1500 species all live in salt water Kelp most common Anchor w/ holdfast Body of kelp called thallus Thallus 3 parts: holdfast stipe blade
Brown Algae The largest and most complex of brown algae are kelp.
Green Algae: Phylum Chlorophyta Most diverse species Most species live in fresh water Others: ocean, moist soil tree trunks
Fungi-Like Protists Groups of slime molds & Water Molds Reproduce: Form delicate structures on food supplies Obtain energy by decomposing organic material.
Slime Molds Animal-like & Fungi-like Classified by reproduce Beautiful colors Live in cool moist shady places
2 major types of Slime Molds 1. Plasmodial Slime Mold: phylum: Myxomycota 2. Cellular Slime Mold phylum: Asrasiomycota
Water & Downy Molds phylum Oomycota Live in water or moist places Appear fuzzy & white on decaying material