4 th Grade Quarter 1 Math Data Report October 20, 2011
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PERFORMANCE BANDS 56 % Proficient or higher!
Number Sense 1.0: Place Value *NS 1.1- Read and write whole numbers *NS 1.2- Order and compare whole numbers
Number Sense 3.0: Operations *NS 3.1- adding and subtracting *NS 3.2- multiplying and dividing *NS 3.3- Solve problems with multiplication *NS 3.4- Solve problems with division
Number Sense 4.0 (Factoring) NS 4.1- factoring NS 3.2- prime numbers
Determine Target: Discuss Root CausesDiscuss Solutions
1.2 Order and compare decimals to two decimal places 1,2,3,4 1.5 Explain different interpretations of fractions, for example, parts of whole, parts of set, and division of whole numbers explain equivalents of fractions 5,6,7,8 1.6 Write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction notation and know the fraction and decimal equivalent for halves and fourths 9,10,11, Use concept of positive and negative numbers Identify on a number line the relative position of fractions, positive numbers, and positive decimals to two decimal places Estimate and commute the sum or difference of whole numbers and positive decimals to two places Round two place decimals to one place decimals or whole number and judge reasonableness of the rounded number 27-29
S.M.A.R.T GOALS Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Timely Students should make goals too! Did we meet our GOALS???
Quarter 2 Decimals fractions Algebra Positive & Negative Numbers