Adaptations of Plants and Animals Mrs. Horn Science 2014
What are adaptations? Habitats are areas in the environment where living things can grow and survive. (Examples: forests, oceans, deserts, arctic, etc.) Niches are the part of the habitat where a living thing makes its home. Every plant or animal has features that help it survive in its environment, or surroundings.
What are adaptations? Any feature that helps a living thing survive in its environment is an adaptation. Some adaptations are body parts (ex: frog’s webbed feet or lion’s sharp teeth). Some adaptations are behaviors (ex: animals storing food for the winter) Adaptations do not develop or change throughout a living thing’s lifetime. Adaptations are passed on to offspring.
Adaptations in Land Environments- Deserts Water is scarce due to very little rainfall. Desert animals and plants have adaptations that help them survive with limited amounts of water. Cactuses have roots that spread out near the surface. When rain falls, the roots soak up water quickly before it can dry up in the hot, dry air. Water is stored in their thick stems for later use. Mesquite trees have very long roots that reach far below the surface for water.
Adaptations in Land Environments- Deserts Cont…. Since plants lose most of their water through their leaves, most desert plants have very small leaves to save water. Cactus leaves are microscopic. Mesquite trees have small leaves with a waxy coating that helps keep the leave from losing water. Cactuses and many other desert plants have sharp spines to protect them from animals.
Adaptations in Land Environments- Deserts Desert animals have adaptations that help them save water also. Lizards and snakes that live in the desert have scales that help them keep from losing water through their skin. Many desert animals are active at night, or nocturnal, when the air is cool. They sleep during the day in places sheltered from the hot sun.
Adaptations in Land Environments- Arctic Tundra Like the desert, the Arctic tundra in the northern polar region also gets very little rain. The tundra is also very cold. Plants here can only grow for a short period of time each year. The plants that are best adapted grow close to the ground and are very small. (ex: mosses, lichens, and grasses)
Adaptations in Land Environments- Arctic Tundra Animals in the tundra also have adaptations that help them survive the bitter cold. Many have thick fur, layers of fat, or both. The polar bear can survive on frozen land and in icy water because its fur and fat keep it warm.