The Presbyterian Church traces its beginnings back to John Calvin, a French born 16 th Century reformer. He studied to be a Catholic priest but was influenced by several reform minded friends to leave the Catholic Church. His beliefs were similar to Luther’s except for predestination and eternal security. Introduction and History
The Presbyterian Church Second in importance in the origins of the Presbyterian Church was John Knox. He lived in Scotland in the mid 1500’s and led the Scottish Reformation against Mary Queen of Scots and Catholic practices. He traveled to Geneva three times to study under John Calvin. The Church of Scotland adopted his theories in Introduction and History
The Presbyterian Church European immigration brought Presbyterians to America. During the Civil War the American Presbyterians divided in to southern and northern branches. These two branches reunited in 1983 to form the Presbyterian Church USA. Introduction and History
The Presbyterian Church Prior to this reuniting, the southern branch split to form the National Presbyterian Church now called the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). The major cause for the split was whether women could be considered for ordination. Introduction and History
The Presbyterian Church The Bible The Bible is inspired by God to be a rule of faith and life. The books of the Apocrypha are not inspired by God and have no authority in the church. What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Confession and Catechisms In America the Westminster Confession of Faith was adopted in The Larger and Shorter Catechisms (1647) were adopted as secondary standards. Officers in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church take a vow to receive these documents as containing the doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures. What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church What does the Bible say? God’s word will judge us (John 12:48) It is complete and if followed will provide one with all good works that God requires of man. (II Tim 3:16-17) “The faith” was delivered once for all. (Jude 3) “In vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” Mk 7:7 What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church The Fall of Man Adam and Eve’s sin is passed on to all their posterity by ordinary generation. What does the Bible say? Sin is not passed down from generation to generation. (Ezek 18:19-20) We are sinners because we sin. (Rom 3:23; 5:12) Babies do not sin! What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church God’s Eternal Decree God predestined and foreordained a certain unchangeable number to salvation. Only these elected by God will be saved. What does the Bible say? God is not a respecter of persons (Rom 2:11) He desires that all might be saved (Acts 17:30) What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church God’s Effectual Calling God is only pleased with those whom he has predestined. Elect infants who die in infancy are saved by Christ through the Spirit. Others, not elected, yet having some common operations of the Spirit cannot be saved. What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church God’s Effectual Calling What does the Bible Say We are called by the gospel (II Thess 2:14) The gospel is to be preached to all men. Those who believe and obey will be saved. (Mark 16:15-16) What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Justification God calls a select few. Those whom He calls He justifies for Christ’s sake. God imputes faith unto them. It is not of themselves, it is a gift of God. What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Justification God did decree to justify the elect and Christ died for their sins. God continues to forgive the sins of the elect; they can never fall from grace. They may sin and fall under God’s displeasure. What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Justification What does the Bible say? We are warned that we can fall from grace. (Gal 5:4) One who has received the forgiveness of sins can so sin as to be lost. (Acts 8:18-22) One who has obeyed the gospel can return to the world and be lost. (II Pet 2:20-22) What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Sacraments There are only two: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Neither may be administered by any other than an ordained minister. What does the Bible say? This requirement is not mentioned in the Bible nor is an “ordained minister”. What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Baptism Dipping of the person into water is not necessary; pouring or sprinkling is acceptable. You are not saved at the moment of baptism because God has already chosen you. It conferrers the grace of God by the Holy Spirit. What does the Bible say? Baptism is immersion only. (Acts 8:36-38; Rom 6:3-4) What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Baptism What does the Bible say? It’s subjects were those that could confess. (Acts 8:37) What do they believe about:
The Presbyterian Church Synods and Councils For the better government and further edification of the church, there ought to be synods or councils. What does the Bible say? Elders were appointed in the first century to lead the flock among them. Nothing suggests that one group ever had authority over multiple churches. What do they believe about: