122. Evolution Notebook Check 123. Classification Notes 4/29 and 5/ Dichotomous Key 4/29 and 5/ Prokaryotic VS. Eukaryotic 126. Kingdoms and Domains 127. Classification Review due today! 128. Diversity of Life Foldable Rubric due Monday 129. Plants 130. Plant Reproduction 131. Parts of a Seed 132. Kingdom Protista 133. Euglena vs. Paramecium 134. Progress Report #9 – get signed 135. EOC Review #1 – homework! 136. Kingdom Animalia (Tuesday) 137. Mammals Vocabulary (Tuesday)
121. Evolution Quiz (graded, corrected) 122. Evolution Notebook Check 123. Classification Notes 124. Dichotomous Key 125. Prokaryotic VS. Eukaryotic 126. Kingdoms and Domains 127. Classification Review (stamped) 128. Diversity of Life Foldable Rubric 129. Plants 130. Plant Reproduction 131. Parts of a Seed 132. Kingdom Protista 133. Euglena vs. Paramecium (stamped) 134. Progress Report #9 – get signed
Taxonomy Taxonomy = classification of organisms in different categories based on characteristics How many species are there???? Carolus Linnaeus Carolus Linnaeus: proposed a taxonomic hierarchy to categorize organisms HumanWolf Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order PrimataCarnivora Family HominidaeCanidae Genus HomoCanis Species sapienslupus
Who is most related?
– Binomial nomenclature – Binomial nomenclature = naming system uses two Latin names coming from hierarchy: Genus species Scientific name for Humans = – Homo sapiens
Why do we classify life? adaptive radiation – To understand adaptive radiation (branching evolution on cladograms)
1.Lutra lutra 2.Felis catus 3.Ursa horribilis 4.Dionaea muscipula 5.Panthera pardus 6.Apis mellifera 7.Canis familiaris 8.Equus caballus 9.Agkistrodon contortrix 10.Toxicodendron radicans 11.Streptococcus pyogenes 12.Canis latrans 13.Orcinus orca 14.Rana catesbeiana a)Cat b)Copperhead snake c)Poison Ivy d)Coyote e)Horse f)Killer whale g)Otter h)Dog i)Bullfrog j)Honeybee k)Grizzly Bear l)Venus Fly-Trap m)Strep-throat-causing Bacteria n)Leopard
A device that can be used to easily identify an unknown organism. Comes from two Greek words that mean "divided in two parts“ Gives you two choices in each step.
1.a. Has pointed ears go to 3 b. Has rounded ears go to 2 2. a. Has no tail Norno Kentuckyus b. Has tail Norno Dakotus 3.a. Ears point upward go to 5 b. Ears point downward go to 4 4. a. Engages in waving behavior Norno Dallus b. Has hairy tufts on ears Norno Californius 5. a. Engages in waving behavior Norno WalaWala b. Does not engage in waving behavior go to 6 6. a. Has hair on head Norno Beverlus b. Has no hair on head (may have ear tufts)......go to 7 7.a. Has a tail Norno Yorkio b. Has no tail, aggressive Norno Rajus
Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic #125 Make a VENN diagram Pg 173 in text
A new taxonomic category Domains are more-inclusive than kingdoms 1.Bacteria – unicellular, prokaryotic, very diverse 2.Archaea – unicellular, prokaryotic, live in extreme environments 3.Eukarya – consists of all organisms whose cells contain a nucleus
1.Animalia 2.Plantae 3.Fungi 4.Protista 5.Archaebacteria 6.Eubacteria = prokaryotic cell = contain eukaryotic cells
Eubacteria Archaebacteria PROTISTA FUNGI PLANTAE ANIMALIA Domain Cell Type Cell Wall Present Cell Wall Content # of Cells Mode of Nutrition Examples
Part 2: Look at page 467 in your textbook. Write the answers to the questions Part 1:
Part 3: Use Chapter 18.3 Review 1.In which domain would you classify the following organism: autotrophic, no nucleus, has peptidoglycan in its cells walls? 2.How many cells do Archaea organisms have? 3.What makes fungi different from protists? 4.What sets Animalia apart from all other kingdoms? 5.Which kingdom is most closely related to plants? 6.Which kingdom is the “least satisfying classification?” Why? 7.Why was the original bacteria kingdom of Monera divided into 2 separate kingdoms? 8.Which two kingdoms contain organisms that are non-motile (unable to move from place to place)? 9.As the only prokaryotic kingdoms, how Eubacteria and Archaebacteria differ from the other 4 kingdoms? 10.Which 2 kingdoms only includes heterotrophs? Part 4: Look at page 463 in your textbook. Identify the leaves using the given dichotomous key. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII.
Provide base for food chains Provide oxygen Multi-cellular Eukaryotes Contain cell walls made of cellulose Autotrophic (contain chloroplasts) 2 Main Divisions 1.Vascular – contain tissues that carry water/food through plant 2.Non-vascular – no vascular tubes, rely on diffusion, live near water, small, short
Vascular Tissue = carry materials – Xylem = carries water through plant – Phloem = carries food/nutrients through plant Leaves – make food Roots – absorb water and nutrients from soil Stems – supports plant; connects leaves and roots Seeds – created when pollen fertilizes ovule; protect developing embryo
1.Mosses – seedless, non-vascular (Bryophytes) 2.Ferns – seedless, reproduce using spores, vascular 3.Gymnosperms –produce seeds on CONES, vascular 4.Angiosperms – flowering plants, vascular – Produce seeds INSIDE the plant – FLOWERS = Reproductive organs – Seeds are protected by OVARY (becomes the fruit)
Reproduce asexually – vegetative propagation: new individuals arise without production of seeds or spores Or mainly sexually using pollen and ovules – Alternation of generations Sporophyte – diploid plant, makes haploid spores by meiosis Gametophyte – haploid plant, makes gametes (pollen or ovule) which will fuse to make new sporophyte See drawing on board!
Plant Reproduction Video Use Page 6 for Reproductive Structures Use Page 6 Label next slide with name & function. 1. Peduncle: attaches stem to flower 2. Receptacle: expanded flower stalk 3. Sepals 4. Petals 5. Stamen 8. Carpels 11. Ovary 12. Ovule
Label the reproductive parts of the flower and list the function of each
a)Seed coat b)Endosperm c)Cotyledon (seed leaves) d)Shoot/root (hypocotyl)
Carpel? Sepal? Stamen? Peduncle?
Stigma? Sepal? Anther? Ovary?
Petals? Style? Nectar? Ovary?
Filament? Style? Stigma? Anther?
Filament? Style? Stigma? Anther?
Mostly unicellular (algae = multicellular) Misfit eukaryotes Most live in water Classified into 3 categories based on how they obtain food: 1.Animal-like: PROTOZOANS; heterotrophic move using flagella, cilia, pseudopodia (feet) or not at all 2.Fungus-like: heterotrophic decomposers; SLIME MOLDS 3.Plant-like: autotrophic; ALGAE; have cell wall
Multicellular eukaryotes To be continued…