Jewish Beliefs Beliefs in God, education, justice, and obedience anchor Jewish society Jewish beliefs are listed the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, and the Commentaries The ideas of Judaism have helped shape later culture
Belief in one God Monotheism God: YHWH First to worship one GOD
Education Teach children basics of Judaism Older boys study with professional teachers
Justice & Righteousness Justice: kindness & fairness Give aid to poor & sick Righteousness: doing what is proper
Obedience Follow their laws Ten Commandments Mosaic Law How to pray & celebrate Forbid them to work on the Sabbath (Saturday) Cant eat shellfish or pork Kosher: fit to eat
3 set of Jews Orthodox Jew Reform Jews Conservative Jews Follow Mosaic law Reform Jews Don't follow ancient law Conservative Jews Combine Orthodox & Reform Jews beliefs
Text & Beliefs Torah: most sacred text Synagogue: house of worship History of Judaism Synagogue: house of worship
Hebrew Bible Also called the Tanach 3 parts Torah Prophets: receive messages from God Books of Songs, poetry, stoires, lessons & history Proverbs
Commentaries Jews have written these to understand the Torah & Jewish Laws Talmud
Dead Sea Scrolls Writings by Jews 2000 years ago Prayers Commentaries passages