7. World Religions: What does religion do for us?
Religion: A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader(s). Monotheism: belief in one god Polytheism: belief in more than one god.
Judaism Monotheistic Israel – ME Synagogue Torah God
Christianity: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant Monotheistic Church, Cathedral, Chapel Bible God
Eastern Orthodox Eastern Europe (Russia, Albania, Ukraine, etc.)
Roman Catholic – Western Europe/ Centered in Vatican City
Protestant: Anything not Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic
Islam Middle East Monotheistic Mosques Koran Allah
Hinduism Polytheistic Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu Temples India Caste System
Buddhism Philosophy Siddhartha Gautama South and East Asia Temples
Confucianism Philosophy Confucius China Sage
Taoism Philosophy Lao-tzu Ying/Yang China and South and East Asia The Way
Animism Inanimate objects and natural events have spirits Africa Native Americans Smaller tribal cultures
Shinto: Japan Polytheistic Way of life