India is a subcontinent of Asia. Along the northern border are the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayan Mountains.
India has 2 major rivers: Ganges and Indus The Ganges is seen as the life source for all Indians India has monsoon season each year from June - September
7 th largest country in the world (1/3 size of US) Main language is Hindi Religions: Hindu (80.5%) Muslim (13.4%) some of the largest slums in the world In Dharavi, 1 million ppl live in a space 2/3 the size of Central Park Not enough water, toilets, sewage & trash everywhere
2 nd largest population in the world 1.2 billion Life expectancy = 67 years 2.4 million living with AIDS, 170,000 die yearly 44% of children under 5 are underweight 61% of population is literate 29.8% of the population is below poverty line World largest producer of opium, traded illegally
India’s System System of Writing= Sanskrit Caste system a rigid set of social classes Determined one’s occupation, economic potential, and position in society Based, in part, on skin color & occupation 4 major levels in the caste system & a bottom level
priests warriors commoners peasants with limited rights
"Discarded chicken scraps bought from a restaurant barely make a meal for Untouchables in Bihar, one of India's poorest states. These villagers belong to the Musahar, or rat-eaters, caste, its members known for hunting rodents. Musahar women, many of whom work as field hands, have begun to agitate for better living conditions. This takes courage, says a local activist. 'If an Untouchable woman demands or questions something and a landlord doesn't like it, he will beat or sexually harass her.'" From "India's Untouchables," June 2003, National Geographic magazine
Given boring and degrading tasks 5% of India’s population not treated as humans harmful presence lived in separate areas away from society
Holy Books: Vedas Also: Upanishads, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, and Mahabharata God: Brahman- supreme being (Polytheistic or Monotheistic) Main Goal: For your atman to merge with Brahman. How?: Yoga World’s oldest religion 750 million around the world
The belief that an individual soul can be reborn in a different form after death
The force generated by a person’s actions that determines how the person will be reborn in the next life
A method of training designed to lead to union with Brahman
Single spiritual force that Hindus believe resides in all things Considered to be present in many forms but all the SAME supreme being
BBrahma the Creator
VVishnu the Preserver
Shiva the Destroyer
Ganesha – deity of intellect & wisdom
Krishna – origin of all incarnations
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