The Investigative Skills Assessment This is a unit of your GCSE done in class which counts for 25% of your final mark. You will carry out a practical investigation and then sit the ISA paper. You will also be assessed on the table you produce before you do the practical work and on the graph you draw after you have collected the data.
The Investigative Skills Assessment In this first lesson we will look at the method and you will have to decide upon some of the details in order to make it a fair test and reliable. You will make your concrete block template ready to start the practical next lesson.
The Investigative Skills Assessment In the second lesson you will draw your table for the experiment and hand it in to your teacher to be marked. You will also carry out your practical in teams.
The Investigative Skills Assessment In the 3rd lesson you will test your hardened concrete blocks You will then draw a graph from the data you have gained. This will be handed in to your teacher for marking. If you complete this before the end of the lesson you will have the opportunity to think about what you have found out in this investigation and revise how science works.
The Investigative Skills Assessment The 4th lesson is the 45 minute ISA paper. It consists of 2 sections. The first section is on your practical. The second section is on a similar investigation which you will get the results for.