Sociology Chapter 19- Religious SECTS
Orthodox Judaism Traditional Believe Torah came through Moses Believe in 613 commandments that are binding Ultra traditional live apart from main stream society and dress distinctively in accordance with Jewish law. Conservative Judaism Torah transmitted to humans and contains human components Generally accept Jewish Laws Believe laws should be adapted with culture
Reform Judaism Liberal Does not accept Jewish law as binding Maintains most ethic and morals Reconstructionist Judaism Most liberal “evolving religious civilization” Observe laws, but see them as valuable cultural remnants Doesn’t believe God chose the Jewish people
Started in the Holy Roman Empire Great Schism (Split) Roman Catholic↔ Greek Orthodox 1517 Protestant Reformation- rebellion against Roman Catholic Church Protestants ↔ Catholics Protestants – reject the popes authority, believe the bible only source of truth, no indulgences, no confession Catholics- God appoints Pope and speaks through pope, confession, indulgences, and sacraments apart of salvation
Protestant Branch lead by Martin Luther will split into many smaller sects based on interpretations of the bible based on interpretations of the bible Lutherans- bible only source of truth Calvinists- believe in predestination Anabaptists- against infant baptism Amish Mennonite Baptist Anglican- Church of England- Henry VIII Methodist Puritans
2 Major Sects- at time of Muhammad's death Sunni- Believe Caliph is chosen Geography- Most of the Middle East and Northern Africa 1.1 Billion- 90%
Shiite- (Shia) Leader of Muslims should be a descendant of Muhammad Largest population in present day Iran and Pakistan 120 million, 10% of population Missionary Muslims spreading the word of Allah and Muhammad Sufi- Missionary Muslims spreading the word of Allah and Muhammad
3 major branches- though not sects (no schism) Share rituals and beliefs, recognize different supreme Gods, differ in how to accomplish afterlife in some small ways Vaishnavism- Main God Vishnu- the preserver Largest denomination 1 supreme God who is in all created things Meditation Marks U, Y or T Shaivism- main God Shiva- the Destroyer In South India and Sri Lanka 1 supreme God anthropomorphic Shakitism- main God Shakti- she has 4 forms Oldest of the Hindu denominations Vishnu
2 main sects Theravada↔ Mahayana Theravada- Orthodox S. Asia,(Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos) Follow practices of Buddha Believe he was a spiritual leader- not God Afterlife is freedom from suffering Mahayana Tibet, China, Japan, Koria Buddha is a GOD Idea of salvation for belief in Buddha More traditions due to influence from Japan and China
Tibetan Buddhism Tibet, Nepal, India Dalai Lama Incorporate all sects Faster path to enlightenment Bodhisattvas- being who have achieved enlightenment and comment themselves to help others Dalai Lama High Lama Reincarnates and must be located How to find the reincarnate? Usually high lama finds 2-4 yr. search Usually in Tibet Test- smoke blowing in the direction of the chosen, and must under go many tests